Private Charles Reginald Clayton
1939-1945 Star, France and Germany Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal and Clasp, 1939-1945 War Medal
Algonquin Regiment
Charles Reginald (Reg) Clayton was born 31 May 1922 in Morden, Manitoba to Charles and Phoebe Mary Ann, Polly, (Card)(Hunt) Clayton just a year after they were married. Mary had been married to Harry Hunt of Thornhill, who died during the flu epidemic. Mary came into the marriage with four children, Charles, Ferris, Martha and Gertrude. In 1929 there was a final addition to the Clayton family, a son Kenneth Stewart, (Stew Clayton), who would in later years gain fame as a balladeer and yodeler. The Clayton family farmed at Kaleida, Manitoba and Reg farmed with his father until enlisting.
Private Charles Reginald Clayton joined the army in 1942 and became a member of the Algonquin Regiment. Initially the Regiment served in Canada in a home defence role as part of the 20th Infantry Brigade, 7th Division and in Newfoundland from 07 February 1942 to 06 February 1943. The Algonquin Regiment embarked for Britain 11 June 1943 and landed in France 25 July 1944, as part of the 10th Infantry Brigade, 4th Canadian Armoured Division, and continued to fight in North-west Europe until the end of the war. Reg claimed he had “marched across 4 countries during the war,” not unrealistic when looking at the history of his regiment. He was very proud of having served his country during WW II. At some point in the late spring, early summer of 1945 Reg contracted diphtheria and was hospitalized for 6 months. He was repatriated in late 1945 and eventually demobilised in early 1946.
After being discharged Reg married Doreen Norman of Newton Siding, Manitoba which is approximately 12 miles east of Portage la Prairie. Reg and Doreen farmed for 11 years south of Darlingford. Reg also worked at a local seed plant and for some local farmers. He eventually ended up at Manitoba Pool Elevators and stayed for 24 years, retiring in 1986. Reg and Doreen had 6 children Wendy (Jim) McLeod, Warren (Lana), Douglas (Jean), Gordon (Dawn), Glen (Jackie), and Shelly (Vince) Hink.
Reg was predeceased by his parents, 5 siblings, a grandson and his wife Doreen in 2009.
He is survived by 3 sons, 1 daughter, 13 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.
Private Charles Reginald Clayton passed away in July 2014 and is buried at the Darlingford Cemetery, Darlingford, Manitoba.

Able Seaman Frederick William Lyne
Frederick William (Bill) Lyne was born 02 May 1941 at the Pilot Mound, Manitoba hospital. He was the second of five children born to Frederick and Mary (Walker) Lyne, a brother to Robert, Joseph, Kenneth and Mervin. The boys were raised on the farm at Snowflake, Manitoba and attended Valley View School for grades 1 to 8. The school was located at SE13-1-9W in what is now the Rural Municipality of Pembina. After grade school they went to Snowflake High School. Bill worked at home on the farm and also for a bridge building company before enlisting.
Bill enlisted in the Royal Canadian Navy (RCN) in November of 1961 as an Ordinary Seaman (OS). He received his basic training at HMCS (Her Majesties Canadian Ship) Cornwallis, Nova Scotia, the basic training base for the RCN. Upon completion of basic training OS Lyne was drafted (transferred) to the Fleet School at HMCS Stadacona in Halifax, where he trained as a Marine Engineer, a Stoker in Navy slang. HMCS Stadacona is also home port to the RCN’S east coast naval fleet. After completion of his training at the Fleet School 13 November 1962, Bill was drafted to HMCS Micmac, the RCN’s east coast training ship, to continue his training. On 01 May 1963 Bill was promoted to the rank of Able Seaman (AB). He was drafted to HMCS Athabascan from 17 May until 23 November 1962 for further training and then drafted back to HMCS Micmac. On 13 January 1964 AB Lyne received his Auxiliary Machinery Operator Certificate, Level 1. On 30 May he was drafted to HMCS Nipigon and served on her until 02 September when he was drafted back to HMCS Stadacona. AB Lyne had completed his three year commitment to the RCN and was honourably released 31 October 1964.
After his release from the Navy, Bill returned to Manitoba and while at a dance at the Foresters Hall in Pilot Mound he met Colleen Moore and they were married at St. Andrews Anglican Church on the Red River, 02 July 1966. After his release Bill went to work as a guard for the Canadian Penitentiary Service, now known as Correctional Service Canada at Stoney Mountain. Bill and Colleen lived in Winnipeg at this time and Colleen had a position as a grade 7 teacher for the St. James School Board. Bill left the Canadian Penitentiary Service after 3 years and got a position as a salesman for International Harvester at Oak Point Road in Winnipeg. After three years they decided to move to Colleen’s home town, Pilot Mound. Bill bought into a partnership for International Harvester (IH) at Mound Motors in Pilot Mound and Colleen got a teaching position in Crystal City, they stayed for five years. They moved back to Winnipeg where Bill went back to work as a salesman at the Oak Point IH dealership and Colleen returned to the University of Manitoba to finish her degree. In early 1977 Bill and the parts man, Bill Otto, at the IH dealership at Oak Point, made a decision to purchase the Morden International Harvester dealership from John Friesen. It had taken them two years to make the decision. Bill Lyne, Sales Manager and Bill Otto Parts Manager, were the new owners of the IH operation in down town Morden. They built a new building in 1981 on Highway 3, across from the John Deere dealership, 2 km east of Morden and renamed their business Southman Agri Sales. Additionally, they purchased a shop in Altona and operated that as well for a few years but the additional work load, with 2 shops, was too much and they decided to work only out of the Morden location. In 1997 they sold Southman Agri to the Metcalfes in Trehern.
Bill and Colleen enjoyed many years in their winter home in both Arizona and Texas. Their travels took them to New Zealand, Hawaii, Alaska, Ireland, England and many trips to Scotland to visit distant relatives. Bill spent his retirement years in Morden, enjoying their new home, his yard, garden and even a bit of photography. His special coffee groups provided hours of laughter, reminiscing and road worthy wisdom. He was proud of his nieces and nephews and took delight in their accomplishments and dreams. The whole of Bill’s world was Colleen and caregiving, since 1990, made their bond stronger and everlasting. Bill was friendly, outgoing and quickly formed friendships. Ron Nowicki, a recruit who went through basic training with Bill, remembered him as, “The kind of person that could be in your life a mere 4 months and make a lifelong, 60 year, impression.” Traits that were contributing factors to his success as a salesman and business owner. Bill was proud of his service in the Royal Canadian Navy and was a 40 plus year member of the Royal Canadian Legion.
Able Seaman Frederick William Lyne passed away 14 December 2021 and is buried at the Snowflake Cemetery.
Information supplied by Colleen Lyne and Bill’s RCN records.

Sapper Milton Coll McNaughton
Military Medal, 1939-1945 Star, Italy Star, France and Germany Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal and Clasp, 1939-1945 War Medal
Royal Canadian Engineers
Coll was born 26 December 1914 to Neil and Bertha (Sandercock) McNaughton. He was the 2nd of 7 children and his siblings were Thomas, Vera, Don, William (Gordon), Margaret and Irene. The family lived in the Opawaka School District which is in the Rural Municipality of Thompson, southwest of present day Miami, Manitoba. The family eventually moved to the Edgar Sandercock farm, one mile north of Morden, Manitoba. After finishing with school Coll went to work in forestry and also road and runway construction as a heavy equipment operator. In 1940, when two of his brothers enlisted in the army, Coll returned to the farm to help his brother Thomas. After some time Thomas was able to take over the farm operation
Coll’s brothers, Donald a Captain and William a Warrant Officer 2nd Class, both with the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada were serving in Europe. Coll followed suit and enlisted on 19 September 1942 just prior to his 28th birthday. Due to his work experience in forestry, construction and operating heavy equipment, he was assigned to the Royal Canadian Engineers. After some initial training at Portage la Prairie, Manitoba and Chilliwack, British Columbia, Sapper McNaughton believed he could pass the Special Engineering Equipment (S.E.E.) operators test and challenged the Grade 111 test. His challenge was successful as his record states, “This soldier does not require trade training, as he has been trade tested as an Operator S.E.E.”
On 22 March 1943 Sapper McNaughton was transferred to the U.K. and arrived 01 April. He remained there until 28 June when his unit was sent to Sicily arriving 10 July 1943 and eventually to Italy. During his time in Italy his engineering unit served with the 1st Canadian Infantry Division and it was later in the year when he was recommended for the Military Medal.
The recommendation reads;
“On the night of 8 December 1943 1st Canadian Infantry Brigade attacked across the river Moro in Italy. 3rdCanadian Field Company, Royal Canadian Engineers were to build a diversion across the river after the infantry had established a bridgehead. Sapper McNaughton with bulldozers were placed under the command of the 3rd Field Company to assist in this task. At 1800 hours since it was not known whether the infantry had been successful it was decided to send a small party to commence work.
Sapper McNaughton drove his machine down an exposed road to the bend of the river. He then recced a route across the river in order that he could start work on the enemy side of the river. This route at its most distant point was 400 yards from the river on the enemy side. Without the slightest hesitation Sapper McNaughton began to walk to his machine along the route. At one point he was sky lined and came under heavy machinegun fire but fully realizing the urgency of his task he carried on. He reached the site and commenced working. Under continual machine gun, mortar and shell fire Sapper McNaughton quickly and skillfully cut down the far bank. On the initiative, skill and bravery of this operator depended the success of the whole operation, for without the supporting tanks which crossed the river at 0700 hrs 9 December the infantry would have been in great difficulty.”
The recommendation was approved 31 March 1944.
On 12 January 1945 Sapper McNaughton request compassionate leave as two of his brothers were serving in Europe and his third brother had his own family now to support. His sister had left a Post Office position to help the ailing mother on the farm. The Children’s Aid Society of Central Manitoba got involved and reported the following to the Department of National Defence. “We would recommend that the soldier be discharged as soon as possible as he is urgently needed at home”. While awaiting a reply he continued to serve in Italy until 22 February 1945 when his unit was sent to France, they arrived on the 24th. He served in France, Belgium, Holland and Germany and on 21 June his compassionate request was granted and he was repatriated. Sapper McNaughton was granted compassionate farm Leave With Out Pay (LWOP) until discharged effective 23 October 1945.
After the war, Coll and his brother Gordon bought the Dennison farm at Dunston and farmed it together. After a few years Coll decided to move back to British Columbia. He worked heavy equipment in many places, throughout the province, building roads and highways. He built his own log home in Ruskin, British Columbia and lived there until his death. His love, hobby, was buying ‘treasures’ at the local flea market and welding them into ‘creations’. Coll passed away 9 March 2000, on his way home from the market, his pacemaker ‘misfired’.
Sapper Milton Coll McNaughton is buried in the Port Coquitlam Municipal Cemetery, British Columbia.
Information from Library and Archives Canada, Royal Canadian Engineers Records and family.

Private George Arthur Simmons
1914-1915 Star, Victory Medal, British War Medal
Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians)
George Arthur Simmons was born 29 February 1896 to Arthur and Sarah Simmons and farmed with his father, in the Morden area, until enlistment. George served with the 18th Manitoba Mounted Rifles for 3 years prior to his enlistment for war service. The 18th Manitoba Mounted Rifles headquarters was in Winnipeg and they had squadrons in Dominion City, Portage la Prairie and Morden, Manitoba. At the start of WW I, the 18th Mounted Rifles was one of six cavalry regiments from across western Canada to provide detachments to help form the 6th Battalion for service in the first contingent of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF). The detachments gathered at Valcartier, Quebec in preparation for departure for Europe. Private Simmons signed his attestation papers 24 September 1914 in Valcartier, Quebec and was placed with the 6th Battalion, 2nd Brigade, H Company of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF). His unit departed for the United Kingdom 3 October 1914.
In September 1914, the Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians), (LSH) (RC), mobilized for war. They embarked for England 3 October 1914, as part of the Canadian Expeditionary Force. On 5 May 1915 they disembarked for France with the Canadian Cavalry Brigade and initially fought dismounted in an infantry role with the 1st Canadian Division. Private Simmons was transferred to the LSH (RC) 8 June 1915 at SouthHampton, UK and joined the unit in France on the 14th. Shortly thereafter, he was admitted to the 1stCanadian Field Ambulance with influenza. He was returned to duty 30 June.
The Morden Times 8 August 1915
George Simmons Dies of Wounds Received on Field of Action
Morden, Man. Aug 8 – Word was received here from the war office by Arthur Simmons that his son, George, had died of wounds which he received while fighting in France. Although Morden has proved to be one of the leading rural country recruiting points, this is the first report received here to the effect that a Morden boy had met his death at the hands of the Huns. George A. Simmons left Morden with the first contingent and although with the 6th Batallion for some time, was a member of the Strathcona’s Horse when he was injured in an artillery attack.
Private Simmons “Died of wounds received in action” 26 July 1915, at No. 3 Canadian Field Ambulance. He was 19 years old. His medals were awarded posthumously and his mother was awarded the Memorial “Silver” Cross also known as the Cross of Sacrifice.
Private George Arthur Simmons is buried at Trois Arbres Cemetery, Steenwerck, France.
Information from, Library and Archives Canada, Lord Strathcona’s Horse (Royal Canadians) History and WW I casualty list, Morden Times.

Trooper Fredrick K. Allen
1939-1945 Star, France and Germany Star, Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, 1939-45 War Medal
12th Manitoba dragoons
18th Armoured Car Regiment
11 October 1918 – 04 June 1996
Fred was born in the Rural Municipality of Stanley on 11 October 1918. He joined the 12th Manitoba Dragoons as a Trooper 30 December 1941 at age 22 and served with the 18th Armoured Car Regiment, driving an armoured car throughout his service. These vehicles were the leading edge of troop movement into towns and villages and were also used for reconnaissance. He served in England and Europe. During the liberation of Holland in 1945, he met Leny TenBos from Losser, Holland and after the war ended, they were married 22 December 1945. Freds unit was slated for return to Canada so he changed units while stationed in Holland to extend his stay but was eventually shipped home in April 1946. Fred was demobilized 18 March 1946 in Winnipeg.
Leny was advised the night before that the ship she was booked on would be leaving the next day. She along with many other War Brides left Rotterdam 28 August 1946bound for Canada. She left her home and all the amenities of a city to go to a farm east of Thornhill with no electricity, no indoor plumbing, no central heating and roads that were all but impassable during the winter. Fred had warned her and she was not taken by surprise.
For about a month and a half Fred and Leny lived with his mother, which presented no real problem as Leny spoke English quite well. They then moved into the same house they occupied for the next 33 years. They eventually built a new home in 1980.
The Allen’s raised six children on the farm at Thornhill – three boys and three girls, Joan 1947, Theo 1949, Marlene 1951, Fred 1953, Marianne 1957 and Marcel 1958.
In spite of having a busy household and farm to operate, Fred served on several boards over the years, Manitoba Pool Elevators, United Church and Thornhill School Board and was a member of the Royal Canadian Legion, Morden Branch 11, for over 50 years. Additionally Fred drove School Bus for Thornhill and Morden Schools and very much enjoyed the friendship of the other drivers.
Fred and Leny enjoyed watching their children and later their grandchildren grow up. They celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary 07 October 1995 and Fred passed away 04 June 1996, a short seven months later. He was followed by Leny 27 June 2001 and daughter Joan 27 April 2018.
Fred and Leny were wonderful parents.
Information submitted by Theo Allen

Leading Aircraftman (LAC) Raymond Thomas Allen
Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp
Royal Canadian Air Force
Raymond Thomas Allen was born 20 March 1920 in Killarney, Manitoba to William and Constance Allen, William had immigrated to Canada from London England. Raymond had three siblings, all sisters, Beatrice, Marjorie (Samson) and Helen. They grew up in Crystal City, Manitoba and lived there until the family relocated to Winnipeg.
Raymond enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) 30 October 1941 and served until he was demobilized and transferred to the Class “E” General Reserve list, 21 January 1946. Raymond’s demobilization certificate indicates that he did serve in a theatre of war and only the CVSM is listed. This is not unusual as many medals were issued long after the members had been demobilized. In this case entitlement would probably be 1939-1945 Star, France and Germany Star, Defence Medal, CVSM (as above) and 1939-45 War Medal. This will be updated when more information becomes available.
Raymond married Lorraine Morden 27 December 1941, shortly after his enlistment. After his release from the RCAF they settled in Morden, Manitoba. Raymond and Lorraine had four children, William (Bill), Barry, Robert (Bob) and Barbara (Barb). He was employed with the Provincial Government as a Sheriff and Clerk for the Southern Manitoba Judicial District. Raymond was a member of the Royal Canadian Legion, Morden Branch 11 and served on the executive as President in 1966.
Raymond Thomas Allen passed away 14 September 1978 and is buried at the Hillside Cemetery in Morden.
Information supplied by the family.

Private Donald Munro Alsop
British War Medal, Victory Medal
107th Overseas “Timber Wolves” Battalion
16th Battalion (The Canadian Scottish)
Donald Munro Alsop was born 11 July 1893 in Inverurie, Scotland. Donald came from a large family, having 4 brothers: Bill (his twin), John, James and Alex as well as 5 sisters; Grace, Anne, Margaret, Isabella and Mary. He left Scotland in 1910, when he was 17, and immigrated to Canada to join his brother Alex, who had made the journey years before. He was given a job at the Lumgair Brother’s farm just south of Thornhill and stayed there until he enlisted for World War I. Donald enlisted with the infantry and embarked for active duty with the 107th Overseas Battalion “Timber Wolves” in August 1916. He was later transferred to the 16th Battalion also known as (The Canadian Scottish).
Private Alsop served on the “front lines” all across Europe and while he was there his battalion fought at Vimy Ridge, Passchendaele (also known as The Third Battle of Ypres), Cambrai, Mons, Lens and Hill 70. Donald was returned to Canada in May 1919, he went back to Thornhill and got his old job back.
Donald had met Bessie Florence Birt while he was in training at Winnipeg. Bessie had come to Winnipeg in 1912 to join her sister Emma. They came from their father’s farm at Peakes Station, Kings County, Prince Edward Island. Donald and Bessie married in May 1920 at the Lumgair farm and set up their own farm home just east of the Thornhill corner. Here Donald worked the farm with his best friend, James Simpson Mackie while Bessie looked after the home and their 6 children, Isabella, Margaret, Douglas (Buck), Emma, Gladys and Donald (Sammy). Donald was also a mail porter (carrier) for the Thornhill area, a member of The Royal Canadian Legion and a dedicated member of the Conservative Party. He loved hockey, boxing, playing bridge, reading and telling stories.
Donald and Bessie retired from the farm in 1948 and took up residence in Morden where Donald worked for Carman Plumbing & Heating as a shop foreman. Bessie Alsop (Birt) died 27 March 1970 at the age of 78.
Private Donald Munro Alsop died 26 October 1956 at the age of 63 and is buried with his wife at the Hillside Cemetery in Morden, Manitoba.
Information from Library and Archives Canada and the family.

Flight Lieutenant Joel Hilton Ashton
Distinguished Flying Cross, 1939-1945 Star, Air Crew Europe Star with France and Germany Clasp, Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal and Clasp, 1939-45 War Medal Royal Canadian Air Force
137 Squadron Royal Air Force
401 (City of Westmount) Squadron R.C.A.F.
Joel Hilton Ashton was born 19 March 1919 in Mulvhill, Manitoba to William and Adele (Marriot) Ashton. William came from England in 1902 and Adele had emigrated just prior to their wedding 07 June 1905. Hilton was the youngest of three sons, William Harold born 02 November 1907 and John Frederick born 11 May 1910. Hilton initially attended the Butler Union School in the RM of Pipestone and then finished grade school and high school in Virden.
Hilton joined the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) 23 October 1940 in Winnipeg. He took his basic and flying training in Trenton and Kingston, Ontario flying Finch, Yale and Harvard aircraft. Upon graduation he was moved to Embarkation Depot in Halifax on 31 July 1941 and on arrival in England was assigned to 56 Operational Training Unit (OTU) at Royal Air Force (RAF) Sutton Bridge for training on the Miles Master and Hurricane aircraft. On 22 November 1941 he was assigned 137 Squadron (Sqn) at RAF Charmy Down and trained on the Oxford, Miles M. 14 Magister, Whirlwind and Lysander aircraft. His first operational flight was with a Whirlwind, a twin engine, single seat fighter on 21 December 1941. Relocated to East Anglian, on the coast of Norfolk along the English Channel he continued to fly the Whirlwind on operations and learned formation flying. Operations consisted of patrolling the channel, protecting allied shipping, disrupting enemy shipping along the French and Dutch coasts and attacks on enemy activities at night over occupied Europe. He was one of the “Rhubarb Boys”, a group of fighter pilots willing to fly very low, particularly in bad weather to achieve a mission. On 08 July 1943 Hilton was transferred to No. 1 Specialized Low Attack Instructors School (S.L.A.I.S.) flying Hurricane and Oxford aircraft.
0n 23 October 1943 Flight Lieutenant Ashton was advised he would be receiving the Distinguished Flying Cross. The medal is awarded for “an act or acts of valour, courage or devotion to duty whilst flying in active operations against the enemy”. He was awarded the medal by King George VI on 25 November.
On 06 March 1944 he was transferred to No. 1 Air Gunner School (A.G.S.) at RAF Pembrey flying Martinet, Proctor II and Spitfire aircraft, used for target towing to train gunners. On 06 December he was transferred to 53 OTU at RAF Kirton Lindsey flying Miles Master II and Spitfires. While practising aerobatics with a Spitfire IX on 25 February 1945 one of the propeller blades broke off, Hilton shut the engine down and managed to glide the aircraft in safely. In March 1945 he was transferred to RCAF 401 (City of Westmount) Sqn flying Spitfires and remained with the squadron until it was disbanded 03 July 1945. Hilton was repatriated and subsequently released from the RCAF as a Flight Lieutenant 04 October 1945.
After returning to Canada Hilton went to Brandon, Manitoba where he took electrical training and got his trade licence. Upon completion he went to Virden, Manitoba and started his own electrical business which he operated from 1950 until 1981. He married Edna June McMillan of Virden on 06 October 1951. They had five children, Richard, Bruce, Janet, Judy and Glen. He was a member of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch #8 in Virden and also a member of the Odd Fellows. He volunteered at the Aud Theatre in Virden looking after their electrical issues. Hilton’s wife June passed away 21 September 1993.
Flight Lieutenant Joel Hilton Ashton DFC, passed away 08 June 1996 and is buried at Virden Cemetery in Virden, Manitoba.
Information supplied by family.

Flight Sergeant Henry Isaac Bergman
France and Germany Star, Defence Medal
Canadian Volunteer Service Medal and Clasp
War Medal 1939-45
Royal Canadian Air Force
158 Squadron Royal Air Force
Henry was born 1 March 1925, in Russia and moved to his beloved Canada in 1926. After finishing high school he enlisted in the R.C.A.F. as a young lad of 18 years. He served as a Rear Air Gunner on the Hadley Page Halifax Bomber as one of a 7 member crew. They were assigned to fly, the soon to be famous Halifax Bomber, “Friday the 13th”. This bomber holds the record, among Halifax Bombers, for the most successful raids over enemy territory. It flew 128 missions and returned each time. Henry’s first bombing raid over Germany was an experience. To quote him, “The 8 hour flight from the air base of the 158 Squadron in Lisset, England, was a somewhat startling initiation for this farm boy from the prairies. It’s amazing how fast you grew up.” One of the missions he flew was an attack on an island in the North Sea which the German Navy used as a base for its U-Boats. The mission was important because the island allowed Germany to block off a supply route for Great Britain and the Allies.
A pleasant memory for Henry was, while on leave over Christmas of 1944 and staying in a hostel in England, he felt very much alone and was hoping to run into someone he might know. He was in an elevator with another Serviceman, and both stepped out on the same floor. They began going in opposite directions, but stopped, turned around, and looked at each other. It turned out the other Serviceman was Neil Penner of Morden, another Banner Boy. They spent 10 days together. They were both blessed by God’s unique gift to comfort them with a part of home for Christmas.
Upon his return home from England, Henry married 16 year old Midge Mosurinjohn, 15 September 1945, whom he met in Winnipeg. They were married for 57 years. He elected to stay in the Air Force after the war and became an Aero Engine Technician and a Flight Engineer, graduating from No.1 Technical Training School, R.C.A.F. Aylmer, Ontario, 14 August 1947. Henry and Midge moved their family 7 times before he left the Forces to settle in Morden in 1955. They were blessed with 5 children, Patricia Plett (deceased), Peggy Bergman, Kathryn Broughton, Wendy Penner and Wayne Bergman (deceased). They also enjoyed their two grandsons, Jeffery Bergman (Kathryn) and Shawn Bergman (Peggy). He proudly served in the R.C.A.F. for 12 years.
Henry loved Morden and served his community in so many capacities that he was awarded the Kinsman Community Service Award in 1989. He and Midge instilled the ethic of service to community deeply into their children and both Wayne and Patricia also received the Kinsman Community Award for Service to Morden, in later years. Midge proudly received the Senior Citizens Award for service to Morden.
Henry’s faith was the No. 1 aspect of his life and he served the Lord and Christ Lutheran Church in every way possible throughout his lifetime. He was constantly studying scripture and loved to share his faith with everyone. His earthly life ended 18 August 2001, age 76, at which time he received his promotion to be present with the Lord.
Henry’s, was a life of Service well lived.
Respectfully submitted by Wendy (daughter) and George Penner.

Sergeant Brian Grant Burkitt
Canadian Forces Decoration (CD)
Royal Canadian Air Force
418 Squadron
Brian began his life journey in Morden, Manitoba 28 January 1950, the second of four children born to Russel and Edna (Lechner) Burkitt. He completed his grade school & high school in Morden. He loved to play pool, driving fast cars, especially his Super B. If you were looking for Brian, he was either at the pool hall or in the driveway on Nelson Street tinkering on his car.
At the age of 18, Brian enlisted in the Canadian Armed Forces 02 August 1968 in Winnipeg, MB. He was initially an aircraft technician and later trained as a Flight Engineer and was transferred to 418 AR (Air Reserve) Squadron in Edmonton. The role of 418 AR Squadron was light transport, training and search and rescue.
Brian married, raised 2 children and resided in Edmonton, Alberta.
On 06 June 1986 a Cessna 182, with 2 people onboard, crashed in the vicinity of Guinns Lake in the Kananaskis region west of Calgary. Despite the marginal weather a search was initiated and a Cessna 185, with 3 people on board, launched and began the search. A short time later it too crashed. This particular aircraft crash site was located the next day, 09 June. On 14 June, eight days after the search had been initiated, the missing Cessna 182 aircraft had not been located. At this time 418 Squadron was tasked to provide two aircraft for the search. Rescue 804 and 807 left Edmonton and refueled at Springbank Airport, near Calgary. Rescue 807 took on board 5 Civil Search and Rescue Association (CASARA) volunteers to act as spotters and then flew out to its assigned search area. After 30 – 40 minutes flight time an Emergency Locater Transmitter was heard by Rescue 804, the other Twin Otter aircraft on the search, and they quickly located the crash site. On 14 June 1986, Brian was one of eight people on board CC-13807 Twin Otter aircraft. All on board perished.
The investigation concluded the accident was caused by an illusion when the sun’s high angle and lack of shadow on terrain caused the pilot to perceive the mountains distance deceptively far away.
The crash site of the first Cessna 182 was located on 18 June 1986. The search had claimed 3 military and 8 civilian lives.
Three months later, a service held by the Government of Alberta named three lakes in the Kananaskis Valley the “Memorial Lakes” in honor of the people who lost their lives. A cairn with a bronze plaque stands just above the third and highest-altitude lake as a perpetual memorial.
Thirty years later, Lieutenant-Colonel (retired) Jim Gillespie, of 418 Squadron Association, delivered a tribute commemorating the loss of Twin Otter 807 and her Royal Canadian Air Force aircrew. Members of the 418 (City of Edmonton) Squadron Association placed commemorative stones at the Aviation Memorial located in front of the Alberta Aviation Museum in Edmonton, Alberta to ensure that Sergeant Brian Burkitt and the other two members of the Royal Canadian Air Force who lost their lives in the service of their country, are not forgotten.
“They did not grow old as we who were left grew old. Age did not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we still remember them.” Adapted from Laurence Binyon’s poem, “For the Fallen”.
Information on the crashes and rescue attempts are from a news article at the Alberta Aviation Museum, 14 July 2016.

Russell Alfred Burkitt
1939-1945 Star, France and Germany Star, Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp,1939-45 War Medal
Royal Canadian Corps of Signals
02 August 1921 – 20 May 2015
Russell was born 02 August 1921 to Alfred and Myrtle (Armstrong) Burkitt in Thornhill, Manitoba. He was the second of 5 children.
In May of 1940, at the age of 18, Russell enlisted in the army in Winnipeg and became a member of the Royal Canadian Corps of Signals. After his initial training he was sent to England, landing 02 September 1940 by a Tank Landing Craft. He served as a driver and line patrol.
Russell was involved in the Battle for Normandy and the City of Caen, 14 kilometers inland from the Normandy coast. The area to the south of the city was relatively flat and Allied Airforce Commanders wanted the area captured to put in runways and more aircraft on French soil. Canadians were involved in the battle to capture of the suburbs to the south of the city, 18 – 20 July 1944. Russell had served for four years and while on line patrol at Caen, he was severely wounded on 19 July 1944. He spent five months at a hospital in England due to his significant injuries. In December 1944 he was sent home, by Hospital Ship, and then transferred to Deer Lodge Hospital in Winnipeg until released in 1945.
After recovering from his war injuries Russell returned home to Thornhill, Manitoba and married his long time sweetheart Edna Lechner and they began farming. They had four children while living on the farm and lived there until 1962 when they moved to Morden. Russell worked in the area for several years and then began a long career with the Pipeline.
Russell loved to fly and with 5 other local pilots, co-founded Stanley Flying Club in 1964 (now called Morden Flying Club). The 6 pilots and first officers of the club were Rollie Lumb – President, Hank Wiens – Secretary-Treasurer, Henry Loewen – Vice-President, Ben Wiebe – Grounds, Russell Burkitt – Public Relations and Art Best – Membership. Russel was always challenging himself; therefore, he purchased & flew many different types of planes throughout his years of active flying. He loved spending time with family and friends, curling, playing cards, dancing, reading everything about aviation and traveling the world with Edna. In his later years he enjoyed family visits, reading Louis Lamour westerns, listening to music and watching sports. He generously donated too many community organizations.
Russell was a member of the Morden Royal Canadian Legion Branch 11 for 69 years until his passing 20 May 2015.
Information from Morden Centennial Booklet and on the Battle of Caen from Wikipedia, II Canadian Corps History.

Flying Officer John Victor Ching
1939 – 1945 Star, Atlantic Star
Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp
1939-45 War Medal
Royal Canadian Air Force
15 April 1922 – 05 December 1986
John Victor “Vic” Ching grew up on a small farm SW of Morden. His parents John Wesley and Alice (Neil) Ching raised him and his younger brother Gordon on their mixed farm. He worked hard and loved farm life.
Vic was a Wireless Operator/Air Gunner on 407 “Demon” Squadron of Coastal Command. The squadron was initially designated as a Coastal Strike (CS) squadron, responsible for attacks against enemy shipping and when assigned the Wellington aircraft in 1943, they were designated as a General Reconnaissance (GR) Squadron and their role changed to anti-submarine duty to keep Allied shipping safe.
· Vic enlisted in Portage la Prairie 06 November 1941 and was stationed at MacDonald, MB for wireless and flying training and Paulson, MB for wireless and gunnery training. During training he flew in the Avro Anson, and the Bolingbroke (a reconnaissance trainer for maritime patrol). It is at this time that he would have been awarded his AG Wings (Air Gunner).
· When he went overseas, he was stationed in south-west England out of Chivenor, although they flew in and out of many bases. He flew in Lockheed Hudson from February 1942 – April 1943. While continuing to train for flying and radio instruction, he briefly flew in the Blackburn Botha.
· From 27 October 1943 – 12 June 1945, he flew in Wellingtons, patrolling the waters surrounding England. He flew close to 200 flights over the North Sea, the English Channel, the Norwegian Coast, the Bay of Biscay, south of Ireland, and the Western Approaches. They often flew so low that wave spray would at times wash over their windscreen. His squadron was one of the best at sub hunting – hence the name “Demons”. As the war was nearing its end, 407 Squadron was searching out the enemy and shifting to protecting Allied ships.
· During its war time existence, 08 May 1941 – 04 June 1945, 407 Squadron flew 11,926 operational hours and suffered 24 squadron members killed and a further 151 presumed dead. Training had its risks and a further 38 were killed and 20 presumed dead during 3759 nonoperational flying hours. Undoubtedly, during his time with the squadron Vic would have known many of them.
Vic was awarded Royal Canadian Air Force Operational Wings for completing his tour.
Vic was offered a desk job after the war but his desire was to go home to the Shadeland District. He was demobilized 28 September 1945 and he returned and farmed with his father and brother. He had corresponded with Norma Spangelo during the war and on 29 June 1946, they were married. They settled on SE 23-2-7 and started a family. They had 2 children, John Lloyd, and Norma Gail. It was a mixed farm, Vic milked cows, raised chickens, a few pigs, and farmed 3 quarters of crop land until 1977 when a stroke slowed him down. Vic served as a councillor for the RM of Pembina and started the morning fires for heat in the one room school that he had attended before the war-the same school where his children would go. Vic was a highly active member of Morden Legion Branch 11 for 40 years. He did not talk about the war or his time there, he put it behind him and lived on his farm until his death, 05 December 1986.
Information provided by the Ching family and the National Museum of Man book on RCAF Squadron Histories and Aircraft.
Sergeant William (Bill) Cramer
1939-1945 Star, Air Crew Europe Star, Africa Star, Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, 1939-45 War Medal
Royal Canadian Air Force
RAF 144 Squadron
William (Bill) Cramer was born on a farm at Baldur, Manitoba 02 December 1921 to Edward Albert and Eva Mary (Aitkin) Cramer. Bill was the youngest of 3 children, a sister Jessie and brother Jim. Bill’s brother, Sergeant Jim Cramer, served with the Royal Canadian Service Corps in Africa, Sicily, France, Holland and Germany during WW II.
Bill enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) 14 April 1941. He received his basic training at bases in Manitoba and Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, followed by Radio School in Clinton, Ontario. Upon completion of training in Canada he was promoted to Sergeant, presented with his Wireless Air Gunner (WAG) badge and posted to England in March 1942.
As was the case with many RCAF members, Bill Cramer too, was posted to a Royal Air Force (RAF) Squadron (Sqn). He served with the RAF for the next 3 ½ years as a WAG on flight crews of 6 different RAF Squadrons in North and Central Africa, England and Scotland, flying in Vickers Warwick, Short Sunderland Bombers and Bristol Beaufighters. His service records show the following posting assignments;
08 May 1942 – To RAF 32 Sqn, Lyneham Air Base, Wiltshire, England.
17 January 1943 – To RAF Mediterranean Command, Bone, Algeria (Air/sea Rescue & Maritime Reconnaissance).
27 March 1943 – May 1944 – To RAF 95 and 204 Sqns, West Africa Costal Command, Freetown, Sierra Leon and Bathurst, Gambia flying Short Sunderlands (the largest combat aircraft of WW II).
16 May 1944 – To RAF 295 Sqn, Harwell, England. (On the night before D-Day 295 and 570 Sqns dropped the first airborne troops of the invasion force into Normandy).
31 July 1944 – To RAF 144 Sqn of Coastal Command, Strubby, Lincolnshire, England. (Tasked to attack German sea operations in the North Sea and English Channel).
September 1944 – RAF 144 Sqn of Coastal Command moved to, Loissemouth, Banff and Dallachy, Scotland. (New tasking assignment, attack German sea operations in Norway).
09 February 1945 – RAF 144 and RCAF 404 Sqns, flying Bristol Beaufighters, supported by RAF 65 Sqn, flying P-51 Mustangs were assigned to attack German destroyer Z-33, and supporting escort ships sheltered in Forde Fjord, Norway. To engage the ships they had to fly through heavy Flak, resulting in the loss of 7 Beaufighters and a further 2 Beaufighters and a Mustang were shot down by German Luftwaffe Fw 190’s. Two German ships were damaged and the Luftwaffe lost 4 or 5 aircraft. Due to the heavy losses the survivors referred to the day as “Black Friday”.
03 March 1945 – To RAF 236 Sqn of Coastal Command, North Coates, Lincolnshire, England.
08 August 1945 – Repatriated to Greenwood, Nova Scotia.
12 September 1945 – Discharged.
In early 1946, shortly after his return to Manitoba, Bill became a journeyman electrician with the Manitoba Power Commission (now Manitoba Hydro) in Portage la Prairie. In 1947 he met Roberta Mary Dyer, of Portage, and they married in May 1949. Bill was transferred and the Cramer family relocated to Morden. While living in Morden they had two sons, Gregory, born September 1951 and Garth, born June 1954. They spent their remaining years in Morden and Bill retired from Manitoba Hydro, in 1976, as the District Supervisor.
Bill and Roberta were very much involved in the community and proud lifetime members of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 11 in Morden. Bill served two terms as President as well as in several other Executive positions and remained an active member until his death. For his dedication and service Bill was presented with the Meritorious Service Award by Dominion Command, of the Royal Canadian Legion.
Sergeant William (Bill) Cramer passed away, 17 April 2005, at age 82. He is at rest in the Columbarium at the Wiebe Funeral Home, Morden, Manitoba.
Information from family, Wikipedia and Royal Air Force Squadron histories.

Private Chas (Charlie) Dell
1939-1945 Star, France and Germany Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, War Medal 1939-45
Royal Montreal Regiment
Chas (Charlie) Dell was born 28 July 1923 in Lloydminster, Saskatchewan to Henry and Elizabeth (Deg) Dell. He was the third of 7 children, Elsie (Macmillan), Tillie (Tuford), Charlie, Violet, Fred, Mabel (Leech), Pearl, and Gerald. The family lived in Lloydminster until 1926, Charlie was 3, when they moved to Portage la Prairie where Charlie grew up and got his education.
Henry Dell, Charlie’s father, enlisted with the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps 08 July 1940 and his brother Fred also enlisted while underage. Charlie joined the Royal Montreal Regiment (RMR) in New Westminster, British Columbia and after training was sent to England. The RMR was initially a Machine Gun unit when sent to England and in January 1943 they were re-designated as a Reconnaissance Regiment and became part of the Canadian Armoured Corps. They were converted back to Infantry in April 1944 and designated as the First Army Headquarters Defence Company (RMR). They left for France 28 July 1944, Charlie’s 21st birthday. Charlie served in France and Holland.
In 1945, after the war and while stationed in Amsterdam, Charlie met and married Helena (Lenie) Kassteen. Charlie was repatriated in late 1945 and Lenie came to Canada as a war bride, sometime in 1946. They settled in Portage la Prairie, where Charlie had grown up, and started to build a life together. Charlie and Lenie had 4 children Ralph, John, Terry and Grace while living in Portage la Prairie. They moved to Morden in 1954 and had another daughter, Lenie.
Charlie went to work for Manitoba Telephone System in 1947 and stayed with them until retirement in 1982. Throughout his time in Morden he was an active member of the Royal Canadian Legion. The Legion was a big supporter of children’s sporting activities and Charlie spent much of his time coaching baseball in the summer and supporting his kid’s hockey endeavors in the winter.
Chas (Charlie) Dell died 24 July 1991 at 67 years, just 4 days short of his 68th birthday. He is buried at Hillside Cemetery in Morden, Manitoba.
Information from Royal Montreal Regiment History and Family

Gunner Francis (Frank) Doney
1939 – 1945 Star, France & Germany Star
Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal and Clasp
War Medal 1939-45, Canadian Korea Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal for Korea, UN Korea Medal
Fort Garry Horse WWII
Signal Corps Korea
Frank was born in Morden and grew up on the family farm northwest of Thornhill. At the age of 17 he joined the Canadian Armed Forces, serving with the Fort Garry Horse – Light Artillery. In WWII, Frank served as Gunner in the #5 Coy, Canadian Forestry Corps in Canada, the United Kingdom, and Continental Europe from 1940-1945.
Frank served from 1950-1952 as a Signalman in the Canadian Army Special Force, Signal Corps in Korea where he was awarded the Korea Medal.
In 1953 in Winnipeg, he married Iris Wilhelmina Annie Scott of London, England and made their home back in Thornhill. They were blessed with two children, Malcolm and Susan.
In 1965 the family farm was sold and the Doney’s moved to 12th street in Morden across from the park. In Morden he held several occupations including machinery mechanic, pipeline labourer, Stationary Engineer at Morden Fine Foods, Morden Hospital, and CSP Foods in Altona.
Frank’s participation in two international conflicts remained especially important to him as he became involved with the Morden chapter of the Royal Canadian Legion. He helped organize sports programs, and bingos. Frank was a life member of the Legion and served on the executive and one term as President in 1970. Speaking to students about Remembrance Day was incredibly important to him; he and Iris continued to take part in school ceremonies well into retirement.
Information submitted by Sue (Doney) and Murray Braun

Corporal Iris Wilhelmina (Scott) Doney
Defence Medal, War Medal 1939-45
Women’s auxiliary Air Force
Iris was born and raised in London, England. Her father served in the Second Boer War and in the Black Watch Regiment as a Sergeant Major and in World War I. In 1940 she joined the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force (WAAF). One of her responsibilities during the war was to deliver parts by plane to various airfields in England. She was discharged from the service in 1946 at the rank of Corporal.
In 1948, Iris moved to Lethbridge, Alberta to live with her sister Lily and husband John Doney (Frank’s brother) where she worked in a dress shop and specialized as a graduate corsetiere. In 1951 she moved to Winnipeg and worked at The Bay until she married Frank in 1953. Iris and Frank moved to the Thornhill farm and raised their two children, Malcolm and Susan. In 1965, the farm was sold and they moved to Morden.
Iris became involved in the Morden Horticultural Society and everyone enjoyed her English style garden. She worked at the Simpson’s mail order office and Appelt’s Jewelry in the 1960’s and then worked at the Elementary School library. In the 1970’s she worked at the Morden Town Library and was known as “the library lady” until she retired. Iris was a long serving member of the Royal Canadian Legion.
Information submitted by Sue (Doney) and Murray Braun

Sapper John Dyck
1939-1945 Star, France and Germany Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, War Medal 1939-45
Royal Canadian Engineers
25 October 1919 – 30 March 1988
John was born 25 October 1919, the second of four children of John and Maria Dyck. He grew up in the Lowe Farm area and enrolled in the Canadian Forces on 09 January 1943 at Plum Coulee. As a farm kid he had gained lots of mechanical experience, fixing equipment, and ended up being a trained as a Driver / Mechanic with the Royal Canadian Engineers. John was sent to England, arriving 07 May 1944 and eventually to France, arriving 19 August 1944. He served in France and Germany until the end of the war with a variety of Transport Company’s and was returned to Canada in January of 1946. He was demobilized, 02 April 1946, and wasted no time getting to Morden to see the girl he had met a before being sent to Europe. John went directly to the Masons Hospital, she was a nurse, and asked for her. The Matron went and found her and said, ”Agatha, there’s a soldier here to see you.” John and Agatha Peters were married 23 June 1946, a short 2 1/2 months after his discharge.
John worked as a mechanic for a short time but eventually ended up at the Morden Experimental Farm, now the Morden Research Station, and became a Steam Fitter, a certification he maintained for the remainder of his life.
John and Agatha lived most of their married life in three different houses on First Street and raised three children. Linda 1954, Ronald 1955 and Sharon 1959. John participated in many Legion activities. He and Agatha were also involved in the Horticulture Society and won some community awards for landscaping. He enjoyed experimenting with the grafting of apple trees, something he did for more than 20 years, and some of his handy-work is still growing (2019) at 337 First Street.
John was a great believer in the Credit Union organization and got involved as board member, eventually becoming the manager of the Morden Credit Union in the early seventies. He was the manager when Morden, Manitou and Miami Credit Unions merged and remained as the overall manager until his health forced him to retire in 1984.
John always loved his work but his passion was fishing and it did not take much convincing that this would be a good week to go to Grand Rapids. He enjoyed his trips with friends but loved the trips with his family, especially after there were grandchildren that went as well. There were days he would just drive the boat and never put a hook in the water because, “its way more fun watching everybody else catch fish”. Many friends and family that went fishing with John, got Master Angler Awards but that honour never fell on him. Just too busy watching and enjoying the fun.
Johns was diagnosed with lung cancer (Mesotheliomia) mid 1987, the result of working with asbestos as a Steam Fitter. John Dyck passed away 30 March 1988 and is buried at Hillside Cemetery, Morden, Manitoba.
Information from Library and archives Canada and as submitted by Linda and Sharon.

Private Henry Feakes
1939 – 1945 Star, France and Germany Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal and Clasp, 1939-45 war Medal
Lake Superior Regiment
Henry Feakes was born 14 November 1922 in the village of Weidenfeld, Manitoba. The family moved to Plum Coulee, Manitoba when Henry was 4 years old. As a young boy and as a young man he worked as a farm labourer and also on the railroad.
Henry enlisted in the Armed Forces of Canada 22 April 1943 and received his basic training in Winnipeg. With German U-boat activity in the St. Lawrence some elements of the Canadian Army did serve in guarding the Seaway and Henry served in this capacity. Henry married Eva Wall 21 November 1943 in Morden, Manitoba, just prior to his transfer to the Lake Superior Regiment (Motorized).
The Regiment landed in Normandy 20 July 1944 and for the next 10 months assisted in the task of pushing back the German armies in France, Belgium, Holland and into Germany. The LSR (Motorized) engaging in many of the major battles during this time. Henry served with the Regiment until repatriated in 1945.
Henry returned to Canada aboard the hospital ship, Lady Nelson, and then to Winnipeg by train. He was discharged 19 December 1945 and returned to Plum Coulee. Once back home Henry became a well-known carpenter and volunteer firefighter, serving 41 years, and also became a charter member of the Plum Coulee Kinsman Club in 1957 and served until the charter was dissolved 11 June 1973. Henry live in Plum Coulee until he was 90 years old.
Henry Feakes passed away at the Boundary Trails Health Centre in 2014 and is buried in the Plum Coulee Cemetery, Plum Coulee, Manitoba.
Information from Thunder Bay Museum Regimental History and the Family

British War Medal 1914-1918, Victory Medal 1914-191
First Battalion
Canadian Mounted Rifles
John Alexander (called Jack) Gibson was born 04 February 1898 on the family farm at Rosebank Manitoba to James S. and Barbara (Hardy) Gibson. He was the 8th of 11 children, 4 sisters (Nellie, Ethel, Eva and Laura) and 6 brothers (William, Fredrick, James, George, Edward and Archibald). He was raised, went to school and later farmed in the Rosebank area.
Jack, like many young men of that time, lied about his age, using the birth date of his older sister Ethel when he enlisted with his brother Edward. Jack joined the 222nd Overseas Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) in Winnipeg, Manitoba 01 March 1916. He trained in Canada and shipped out on the S.S. Olympic and arrived in England on 20 November 1916. He was posted to the First Battalion, Canadian Mounted Rifles (CMR) on 21 April 1917. He landed in France from Branshott, England on 20 April 1917. The Canadian Mounted Rifles had been dismounted and converted to infantry in 1915 as the trench warfare was not conducive to mounted troops. Jack’s unit fought at the Second Battle of Passchendaele and the Second Battle of the Somme. Jack survived and was awarded a Good Conduct Strip on 25 March 1918 and was returned to England 13 February 1919. On 12 March he embarked for Canada on RMS Baltic. Jack was demobilized 25 March 1919 at Brandon, Manitoba and returned home to Rosebank. Once home Jack made it very clear he never wanted to talk about “trenches” again.
Jack married Mary Anderson Stuart on 23 November 1933. They lived on the Gibson farm north of Rosebank and raised their family there. They had 3 sons, Donald (married Elaine Woods, children Heather and Brenda), James (married Irene Harris, children Michael), and Kenneth (married Patricia Urquhart, children David and Katherine). They remained on the farm until they retired to Rosebank in the early 1960’s.
John (Jack) Alexander Gibson, age 72, died in the Morden Hospital on 04 August 1970, 20 miles from Rosebank.
He is buried in the Miami, Manitoba Cemetery.

Leading Aircraftman William Wilbert Henderson
1939-1945 Star, France and Germany Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, 1939-45 War Medal
Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF)
403 (Wolf) Squadron
421 (Red Indian) Squadron
William Wilbert Henderson was born on a cold 09 January 1917 day on the Bowen family farm, 3 1/2 miles west of Morden. His parents were Austin and Florence May (Bowen) Henderson. Wilbert, his brother Ross and sister’s Iris and Eunice grew up in Darlingford and Miami with summers spent on the Bowen family farm.
Wilbert enlisted in the RCAF in March of 1942 and received postings to Manning Depot Brandon and Manning Depot Toronto for basic training. He received specialized electrical training at No. 1 Technical Training School RCAF St. Thomas, Ontario and #13 Service Flying Training School (SFTS) St Hubert, Quebec. After completing technical training Wilbert departed Halifax in December 1943 on the RMS Mauretania, headed for England.
In England Wilbert was posted to 5 or 6 bases prior to embarking for France and one of his postings was to Red Hill, a communication squadron he found quite civilized. He was able to sleep in a room with a fireplace and a roof over his head and meals 4 times a day. England also provided a few chances to meet his brother Ross, who was based in England with the Royal Winnipeg Rifles. They got to spend some family time in and around London. On 17 June 1944 Wilbert departed for France and how things did change, now living in tents and dealing with mud and air attacks by the Luftwaffe. His first night in France was spent in a slit trench he dug under a truck, then lowering the tailgate to keep the shrapnel off him.
In Europe Wilbert was attached to 403 Squadron and 421 Squadron working on Spitfires and Typhoon fighter aircraft. As the war progressed and Allied losses on the air bases were not as high as expected, Wilbert was moved from fighter bases to repair and salvage units till he was needed at another fighter base. Like so many young men from the prairies Wilbert got to see a lot of countries with postings in England, France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. When the war ended Wilbert was in Celle, Germany just outside Hamburg.
Wilbert returned to Canada on the Ile De France, docking at Halifax 19 March 1946. Work was scarce with many jobs going to the veterans who preceded him, so he joined his parents on the family farm four miles north of Morden.
Wilbert met Vina McLeod, a farm girl from Stonewall who was a teacher at a school in Treherne, Manitoba. They were married in July, 1952 at United College in Winnipeg. They farmed for over 30 years raising two sons, Donald 1953 and Norman 1956. Upon retirement Wilbert and Vina moved to Morden, purchasing a house on 4th St. and later to a condo at Vista Terrace.
During his life Wilbert was an active member of the Farmers Union, Manitoba Pool Elevators, Junior Rifle Club and the Morden Legion Branch #11. During his time in the RCAF Wilbert made a number of life-long friends that he kept in touch with till his passing. He was survived by his wife Vina, d.2017, and two sons Donald (Cheryl) and Norman.
William Wilbert Henderson died 29 June 2007 and is buried at Hillside Cemetery in Morden.
Submitted by Donald & Norman Henderson

Leading Aircraftman George Wesley Hodgson
Canadian Volunteer Service Medal {CVSM} with Clasp and Bomber Command Bar
1939-45 War Medal
Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF)
George Wesley Hodgson was born 05 December 1918, south of Kaleida, Manitoba on the home farm, to Albert and Henrietta (Sims) Hodgson. He was the third of 5 children, Ruth, Ronald, George, Russell, and Mildred. George attended the Overdale School. This school was in the Rural Municipality of Pembina from 1889-1964. George was a man of many talents and worked on the family farm from an early age.
George enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force on 06 June 1941 and was trained as an Aero Engine Mechanic at No. 1 Technical Training School RCAF St. Thomas, Ontario and Souris, Manitoba and served in Canada until 16 June 1944 when he was sent to the United Kingdom. He told his family about the long ship ride from Halifax, Nova Scotia to Scotland. Upon arrival they were initially billeted in a castle (Ellis House) in Journeys, Scotland before being moved to the Air Force barracks. George was repatriated 22 November 1944 and finally demobilized 09 March 1945. In addition to his medals he received the General Service Badge and the RCAF Reserve Badge, these are worn on civilian jackets to indicate service to ones country.
At wars end George became the owner/operator of an Oil/Gas station in Mowbray, Manitoba. It was in Mowbray where George met the love of his life, a young school teacher named Mildred Burnett. In a short time they became inseparable and were married 10 April 1947 at All Saints Anglican Church in Winnipeg, Manitoba. After his marriage George began working at McDonald Brothers Aircraft Company (1950 -1952) in Gimli, Manitoba. This company had contracts for overhauling RCAF aircraft during the 40’s and 50’s. After this time in Gimli, George and Mildred returned to the home farm at Kaleida. They had the garage moved from Mowbray to a site across the road from the home farm. George and Mildred lived in it and it was eventually moved to the home farm where it sits to this day, 2022. They took over the home farm when George’s parents moved off. George and Mildred were blessed with 6 children, Judith (Enns) 1948, Maxine (Friesen) 1949, Lesley (Hooey) 1952, Barbara (Klassen) 1955, Donald and Gerald 1958. George was a successful farmer until his retirement in 1979. He also drove the school bus for 17 years, which he enjoyed very much.
After retirement George and Mildred spent winters in southern Texas for 21 years where they made many and lasting friendships. George had many hobbies and was a “Jack of all trades” and could fix and manufacture many things. He enjoyed fishing, dancing and spending time at their cabin at Pelican Lake. He loved family Picnics in the park, family get togethers and spending time with his grandchildren and great grandkids. He enjoyed watching sports on TV, his favorite teams being the Toronto Maple Leafs and the Toronto Blue Jays.
George Wesley Hodgson passed away 07 December 2011 at the Salem Personal Care Home, he was 93. He is buried at The St Mary’s Anglican Church Cemetery, west of Kaleida, Manitoba.
Information supplied by family.

1939-1945 Star, Italy Star, France and Germany Star, Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, 1939-45 War Medal
Royal Canadian Horse Artillery (RCHA)
Elmer was born in Windygates, Manitoba to James and Annie (Kroetsch) Kinsman on 13 September 1918. He was the eldest of six children and he spent the majority of his life in Windygates.
In 1941 at the age of 23 years he joined the Royal Canadian Horse Artillery in Winnipeg and began his training.
On 24 December 1941 Elmer married Edna Pearl Cowan. Very shortly after their marriage Elmer shipped out to England for more training. Eventually he was deployed to southern Italy as a Driver Mechanic and later to Belgium where he remained until Peace was declared in 1945.
Upon his return home Elmer and Edna farmed in Windygates for a number of years until he took up employment as a mechanic for Peter Wolf Garage in Morden. Later he was employed by W.E. Veals in Darlingford and then was self-employed in his own garage, Downtown Motors in Darlingford. During these years of farming and working as a mechanic, Elmer and Edna had two daughters, Judi Hodgson, Kaleida and Jacqui Tickner, Darlingford.
In 1963 he and his family moved from Windygates to Darlingford where they remained until they retired to Legion House in Morden.
Elmer was an active member of the Royal Canadian Legion – Morden Branch 11.
He was very proud of his Military history. Two of his brothers also served, Harvey and Orval. Harvey was killed in action in Normandy.
Elmer passed away 17 December 2006 at the age of 88 and in 2012 his daughters donated some of his military records and service medals to the Juno Beach Centre in Normandy, France. On 11 September 2017 Judi and Jacqui, along with Cousin Harvey, went to France and visited the Centre to view the temporary exhibition “From Vimy to Juno”. Included in the exhibition were family artifacts of Edward and Frank Kroetsch, uncles to Elmer and WW 1 Veterans. Also included were previous donations of records and medals of Harvey Kinsman, Elmer Kinsman, Orval Kinsman and his wife Nora Snyder. All served in WW 2.
Information supplied by Jaqui Tickner.

Rifleman Harvey Lloyd Kinsman
1939-1945 Star, France and Germany Star, Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, 1939-45 War Medal
Royal Canadian Artillery
Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada
Harvey, one of six children, was born 19 September 1923 to James and Annie (Kroetsch) Kinsman. He was raised and educated in the Windygates and Darlingford district of Manitoba. Three of their children Harvey, Elmer and Orval served their country during WW II.
Harvey enlisted in the Royal Canadian Artillery 12 June 1942 and saw service on Kiska Island. On 06 June 1942 the Japanese had taken Kiska Island, an island of the Aleutian Islands of Alaska, from the Americans. On 15 August 1943 Harvey was part of the 13th Infantry Brigade, which along with the American Forces reclaimed Kiska Island.
Returning from the Kiska operation in January 1944, he transferred to the infantry, Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada and went overseas in May. Harvey reached France in July and was transferred from Battalion HQ to Queen’s Own Rifles “B” Company on 01 August. Although the Battle for Normandy had been ongoing for more than two months it was far from over. On 10 August 1944 in the area of Bretteville-sur-Laize, France the Queen’s Own Rifles were shelled at 0500, which continued for much of the day and “B” Company had multiple engagements with the enemy. Rifleman Harvey Kinsman was a casualty of the day’s action.
Harvey is buried at the Bretteville-sur Liaze Canadian War Cemetery at Calvados France and is commemorated on Page 353 of the Second World War Book of Remembrance in the Peace Tower in Ottawa.
Information from family, newspaper article Sep 1944 and Queen’s Own Rifles of Canada Regimental History and Veterans Affairs Canada.

Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM)
1939-45 War Medal
Royal Canadian Horse Artillery (RCHA)
Orval was born in Windygates, Manitoba to James and Annie (Kroetsch) Kinsman on 25 September 1925. He was the fourth in line of six children and he spent the majority of his life in Windygates, Darlingford, and Morden.
In 1942 at the age of 17 years he joined the Royal Canadian Horse artillery in Winnipeg and began his training. He never left Canada but served until the end of hostilities in 1945.
In 1950 Orval married Nora Snyder (a veteran of the Canadian Women’s Army Corp). Nora contracted polio during the polio epidemic of the early 1950’s and Orval was widowed in 1953. In later years he married Audrey Renton of Morden who predeceased him in 1999.
Upon his return home from service Orval farmed in Windygates for a few years until he took up employment as a mechanic. He worked as a mechanic in various places.
In retirement he moved to a house in Morden and finally to Legion House.
Orval was an active member of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 11 in Morden.
He was very proud of his and his family’s Military history, as two of his brothers, Elmer (RCHA) and Harvey (QOCH) also served. Harvey was killed in action in Normandy.
Orval passed away 15 October 2001 at the age of 76. In 2012 his family donated some of his military records and service medals to the Juno Beach Centre in Normandy, France. On 11 September 2017 son Harvey, along with cousins Judi and Jacqui (daughters of Elmer) went to France and visited the Centre to view the temporary exhibition “From Vimy to Juno”. Included in the exhibition were family artifacts of Edward and Frank Kroetsch, Veterans of WW I and uncles to Orval, Elmer and Harvey. Also included in the temporary exhibition were previous donations of records and medals of Harvey Kinsman, Elmer Kinsman, Orval Kinsman and his wife Nora (Snyder) Kinsman. All served in WW 2.

Private Edward John Kroetsch
British War Medal, Victory Medal
184 Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force
25 June 1893 – 11 October 1970
Edward joined the armed forces in Morden with his brother, Franklin. They both filed attestation papers on 18 March 1916 in Morden, MB. Edward was accepted based on his strength and rifle skills and assigned to the 184th Battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force during World War One. Prior to departing for overseas, Edward spent time in Winnipeg and Camp Hughes for military training maneuvers. Franklin was assigned the role of a machine gun operator. Following their training, both brothers boarded a ship and were sent overseas to participate in World War One.
Edward was involved in intensive combat at the Somme. During the battle, he was wounded. His left leg was shot several inches below the knee. The lower part of the leg was attached only by shreds of skin. He crawled into a shell hole, took out his jackknife, cut off the lower part of the leg, then took off his belt and tightened it above the severed leg to stop the intense bleeding. Throughout the night, he needed to loosen the belt several times to let the blood flow.
In the very early hours prior to daylight, stretcher bearers located him in the shell hole and he was taken to a hospital in France. Later he was moved to London, England. His leg continued to develop gangrene and surgery was required several times to remove part of the leg each time. He spent six months in hospitals prior to being sent back to Canada. Following the war, Edward’s brother Franklin returned to Canada. He had suffered some wounds as well.
On 12 March 1925, Edward married Esther Cox from Elm Creek, MB. They resided in Morden prior to buying the valley farm south of Darlingford. The marriage resulted in five children, Rosalind, Barry, Wayne, Darlene, and Suzanne. The only surviving member of the family is Wayne.
Information submitted by Wayne Kroetsch

Fusilier Kenneth Lambrecht
1939-1945 Star, Italy Star, France and Germany Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, 1939-45 War Medal
Princess Louise Fusiliers
Ken was born 24 September 1924 to Emil (1890-1964) and Wilhelmina (Hein 1890-1961) Lambrecht in Morden Manitoba. He was the fifth of seven children, Carl, Emma, Lorne, Fredrick, Kenneth, Edward, and Melville, who grew up on the Lambrecht Family Farm south of Darlingford, Manitoba.
Ken was just 17 when he enrolled in the Canadian Army, Princess Louise Fusiliers (PLF) at Brandon and after basic training, Ken was sent to England where the PLF did more training. On 28 October 1943, as part of the 5th Canadian Armoured Division, the Fusiliers left Liverpool for Italy, landing at Naples 10 November 1943. The PLF, a light infantry unit, were converted to a Machine Gun and Mortar Regiment in two companies. The first, the 11th Machine Gun Company (a heavy direct- fire support unit) was sent to the 11th Infantry Brigade. Ken was in the 11th on mortars. The second company, the 12th Machine Gun Company, (also a direct heavy- fire support unit), to the 12th Infantry Brigade. The Fusiliers fought their way through Italy and in 19 February of 1945, along with the 5th Armoured Division, were transferred to North West Europe to join the First Canadian Army. They landed at Marseille 21 February 1945 and proceeded to Belgium arriving 05 March. The 12th Machine Gun Company was disbanded 15 March 1945 and the 11th Machine Gun Company fought until the end of the war. Following WW II the Princess Louise Fusiliers were converted back to a light infantry unit.
Ken returned from Europe at the end of the war physically unscathed and shortly after met Katherine (Kay) Penner (1927- ). They were married 12 October 1946, in Morden. He very much enjoyed his employment at the Experimental Farm (Research Station) when he wasn’t working on the family farm. On 12 November 1947 Kay gave birth to their daughter, Linda Lou.
The Winnipeg Free Press, 24 November 1947 reported that Ken died from Coal Gas poisoning while his wife was in the Hospital. The funeral of K. Lambrecht, 22 year old veteran was held November 17th at the MB Church in Morden. Victim of coal gas poisoning. He was found dead in his home.
The family believe that Ken went home after visiting his wife at the hospital, put a pot of coffee on the coal briquette stove. The damper must not have been set correctly and he died resting on the couch. Kens surviving the war, only to die an accidental death was very difficult for the family to bear. Sadly, the family does not have a lot of stories to share of who he was and his last sibling passed away in 2020. Some have described him as a “kind gentle spirit”. He was “passionate about his Christian Faith”. “A very handsome fella”. On the back of a photo of Ken in uniform, his brother Mel wrote, “My brother was my hero, he taught me how to play Mandolin.”
Kay did remarry after a time and she and her daughter, Linda Lou, live in Alberta. They have stayed in touch with the Lambrecht family throughout the decades and Kay invited them to her 90th birthday party. Linda Lou visits family in Morden when she comes to Manitoba.
Kenneth Lambrecht died 14 November 1947 and is buried at Hillside Cemetery in Morden MB.
Information from the Lambrecht family and from the Government of Canada Official Lineage of the Princess Louise Fusiliers Infantry Regiment and Regimental War Diaries.

Staff Sergeant Herman Larke
Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, 1939-45 War Medal, Special Service Medal (SSM), Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal (CPSM), United Nations Korea Medal (International Military Decoration), Canadian Forces Decoration (CD)
Royal Canadian Provost Corps
WW II and Korea
08 July 1914 – 21 November 2017
Herman Larke was born 08 July 1914 in Winnipeg to Louis and Louise Larke. The Larke Family moved to Morden in 1915.
Herman married Marea Kristjansson from Brown on 18 February 1943 and they had two children, David and Brenda.
Herman enlisted with the Canadian Provost Corps in Winnipeg, 29 July 1943. While stationed in Winnipeg, he was on guard duty, street patrol and travelled to Halifax and New York to transport German Prisoners of War to a POW camp in Calgary and later that year was posted to Camp Borden with the Canadian Provost Corps.
In 1944 he was posted to the 40th Canadian Provost Corps Company in Winnipeg at Fort Osborne and promoted to Corporal. In 1946 he was promoted to Sergeant at Carpiquet Barracks (southeast corner of St. James Street and Notre Dame Avenue) in Winnipeg.
In 1947 he left the Active Army and joined the Permanent Force as a Private in the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps (RCASC). Reduction in rank was not uncommon for those that elected to stay in the Forces after the war years, particularly those that changed their military occupation. In July 1948 he was promoted to Corporal in the Quartermaster Stores.
In March 1952 he was promoted to Sergeant in the Quartermaster Stores. In March 1953 he went to the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps School in Montreal and returned to Carpiquet Barracks later that year.
In December 1953 he was posted to 3 Transport Company, RCASC, and promoted to Staff Sergeant. He left for Korea in March 1954, serving there until December 1954 and returned to Winnipeg on Christmas Eve.
From 1955 to 1958 he was posted to 3 Transport Company, RCASC, serving as their Quartermaster (senior soldier who supervises stores or barracks and distributes supplies and provisions). In 1958 he was posted to Shilo serving as the Quartermaster for the Canadian Provost Corps School
In 1960 he was posted to Hemer, West Germany serving in the office of the Station Staff Officer.
In August 1963 he was posted to Winnipeg to 16 Regional Ordnance Depot for 1 year. During that time he went to Churchill, Manitoba as part of the team responsible for closing that base. In 1964 he retired and moved to Morden
In Morden, Herman worked as a Bar Steward at the Morden Legion until 1965, then began work at Livingston’s Furniture where he worked for 15 years. In September of 1979 Livingston’s was sold to Andy McCaughan and Herman remained there until January 1983.
During retirement Herman was active with Morden Hospital Auxiliary and served as Treasurer for 8 years. Herman and Marea built a home on 13th Street on his Dad’s property. At one point, Herman’s mother Louise, Emily Blair (Herman’s sister) and Herman and Marea lived beside each other. After Marea’s death in 2014, Herman remained in their home until June 2017 when he moved to Homestead South. Herman passed away 21 November 2017 at the age of 103 years.
The Larke family had lived on 13th Street for over 100 years. The Morden City Council has granted the honorary name of Larke Lane to 13th Street.
Information supplied by daughter Brenda Perkins, Canadian Provost Corps records, RCASC records and wikipedia.

Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM), Canadian Forces Decoration (CD) and Clasp (2)
Royal Canadian Air Force Service Police (SP)
Construction Engineering Branch
Canadian Armed Forces
Ludwig Alexander (Alex) Sigesmund Larke was born to Ludwig and Luise (Keding) Larke on 5 December 1918 in Morden, Manitoba. He was the third eldest of 7 brothers (Herman, Willhelm, Douglas, Karl, Archie, Kenneth and Howard) and 4 sisters (Margareta, Emelie, Elsie and Helen). His father emigrated from Poland to Canada through the United States, his mother was from Russia. Growing up in the dirty thirties Alex had to quit school and find work to help support the large family as his father, a carpenter/builder, could not find work during this time.
Alex married Elsie Agnes Hill in 1939 and then joined the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1941. He was trained as Service Police (SP) and was stationed at various flying bases in Canada to help safeguard the aircraft involved in the Commonwealth Air Training Plan in support of the war effort. Over time Alex and Elsie had 3 children Graham Alexander (1941), Gerald Norman (1945) and Janet Maureen (1949). Alex stayed in the military following WW II but transferred to Construction Engineering. During this time there were transfers to Namao AB, Edmonton AB, Rivers MB and Calgary AB. Alex had grown up speaking German and in January 1957 was selected for a transfer to NATO Headquarters in Trier, Germany and two years later to Royal Canadian Air Force Station Zweibrucken (3 Wing), Germany. Most of the Construction Engineering civilian workers were Germans and Alex’s language skills were an asset to the operation. Living overseas enabled Alex and his family to enjoy travel to many countries of Europe.
In 1962 Alex was transferred from Europe to Air Command Headquarters in Winnipeg and served there until his retirement from the forces as a Master Warrant Officer in 1973. Alex and Elsie divorced in 1975 and he moved to Edmonton. He went to work in Construction Engineering at Canadian Forces Base Griesbach, an Army Base on the north side of Edmonton, as a civilian. He was married again to Olga Mills (1976) and remained in Edmonton.
Alex passed away, peacefully, in his sleep on 20 June 2007, he was 89.

Corporal William Frederick (Bill) Larke
Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM)
1939-45 War Medal, Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal
Canadian Provost Corps
William Frederick (Bill) Larke was born 17 September 1916 in the Brown District, south of Morden, to Louis and Louise (Keding) Larke. The family moved to Morden shortly after his birth. He was the second of 12 children, 8 boys and 4 girls…Herman, Bill, Alex, Carl, Margaret, Emily, Elsie, Doug, Archie, Helen, Howie and Ken.
Bill married Betty Longney on 01 June 1943, and they had 2 children, Joan and Jim.
Bill took his schooling in Morden, and as a teenager helped local farmers with the harvest. He had a few jobs before he enlisted…helping his carpenter Dad Louis build the barns at the Experimental Farm, sanding floors, and working as a lineman. He loved sports, playing baseball and was a member of the Morden Blackhawk Juniors hockey team in 1935-1936.
Bill enlisted with the Canadian Provost Corps #40 in Winnipeg on 15 July 1942. He was stationed in Winnipeg serving in the Military Police until his discharge on 11 May 1946. Returning to Morden, he went into the business of sanding floors fulltime. In June 1950 he was offered a position as Morden Town Constable. He had talked of joining the RCMP before the war, so this allowed him to follow his goal of working in a police force. In the early years of policing for the town, the constable’s duties were diverse and included reading the newly installed water meters in the downtown area. He loved all aspects of his job. He subsequently became Chief of Police, retiring in 1978 with 28 years of service.
Deciding he wasn’t quite ready for fulltime retirement, he rejoined the workforce in 1979 as a Security Officer at the new Tupperware Plant, retiring from there in 1989.
In 1977, Bill received the Queen Elizabeth II Silver Jubilee Medal in recognition of his devoted Public Service for more than 25 years.
Bill was a long-time member of the Morden Legion Branch, an avid curler, and enjoyed helping with Morden Little League Baseball. Later in life, when he wasn’t gardening or visiting friends and family (especially the grandchildren), he loved watching curling, baseball and hockey.
Bill and Betty celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in June 1993. He was diagnosed with cancer in August 1993 and passed away 07 January 1994 at the age of 77.
William Frederick (Bill) Larke is buried at Hillside Cemetery, Morden, Manitoba.
Information supplied by the family.

Sergeant Allan Andrew Lone
1939-1945 Star, Italy Star, France and Germany Star,
Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, 1939-45 War Medal
Royal Canadian Ordinance Corps
Royal Canadian Engineers
Allan Andrew Lone entered the world 17 July 1917, the 6th of 11 children born to Henry (Hank) and Annie Lone (Huston) of Mowbray, Manitoba. He and his siblings Howard Norman 1906-1997, William Harvey 1908-1973, Lloyd Elymer 1909-1986, Charles Alexander 1912-2002, Ivan Finley 1914-1985, James Mervin (John) 1921-1989, Doris May 1923, Elsie Irene 1926-2002, Mary Eleanor 1928, Shirley Edna 1930-1993 were raised on the farm. Allan attended the Mowbray Valley School as a child and worked on the family farm as a young man and also in the mine at Flin Flon, Manitoba. Allan enlisted in the Army, Royal Canadian Ordinance Corps, and after training was sent to England and eventually to Italy. Upon completion of the Italian campaign his unit, he was attached to the Royal Canadian Engineers, was sent to France to help push the German offensive back across the Rhine River.
Allan had met Beatrice Mary Baker while stationed in England and they were married after the war, 13 October 1945 at the Walford Anglican Church, Ross-on-Wye in Hertfordshire County, England. Allan was repatriated shortly after the wedding, November 1945 and returned to Canada on the RMS Queen Elizabeth. On 01 July 1946 Allan went to Winnipeg to meet Mary who had finally been able to come to Canada. She came from England on the “RMS Aquitania”. On 05 July 1946 Allan and Mary began their new life together on a farm east of Mowbray.
In the spring of 1950 the following was reported in a local newspaper; ”We are indeed sorry to report that Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lone lost their home and all their belongings by fire Friday evening, May 26th. Fortunately, the children were outside playing and Mrs. Lone escaped unharmed when the kerosene exploded as she was lighting the fire for supper.” The children were Howard William born 1947 and Dennis Allan born 1948. They rebuilt with the help of family, friends and neighbours. Another newspaper article sometime later stated;
“We would like to take this means of saying “Thank You” to our many friends for their kindly thought of us in so many ways, in the loss of our home by fire. It makes us realize what a most generous and kindly folk we are living among. Again, may we truly thank each and all. Mary and Allan Lone.”
In the ensuing years they had 4 more children, Joanne Mary 1951, Darlene Ann 1955, Jean Alice 1957 and Douglas Graham 1959. Life was good on the farm and they lived there until moving to Morden in 1978. They initially settled at 805 Alvey Street and in 1989 moved to Legion 2, 5th floor. Apartment living was not agreeable to Allan and Mary. They loved family gatherings and parties and the apartment just wasn’t big enough for that, so they bought a home at 370 19th Street. Allan remained there until his passing.
Allan was a long time Legion member and enjoyed curling, baseball and playing cards, especially cribbage. He and Mary loved their family and enjoyed looking after their grandchildren.
Allan Andrew Lone passed away 12 December 1995 and is buried at Hillside Cemetery, Morden, Manitoba.
Information from the Lone Family and Wikipedia

Private Leonard Victor Longney
1939-1945 Star, Italy Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal and Clasp,
War Medal 1939-45
Regimental Number 103457
Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (Royal Canadian Infantry Corps)
27 August 1922 – 13 June 1944
Len was born on 27 August 1922 to William and Sarah Jane Longney of Thornhill. Edith (wife of Fred Turner) and Betty (wife of Bill Larke) were his older siblings. Len attended school in Thornhill and then boarded at St. John’s College in Winnipeg for his Grade 12. He enjoyed his early days on the farm and at age 16, he won the Championship Cup for the highest quality sample of wheat at the Manitoba Provincial Seed Fair in Winnipeg.
Len lived on the family farm near Thornhill until he enlisted with the P.P.C.L.I. on 20 November 1942 and went overseas in August 1943. After being in England a few months he went on to North Africa and then Italy. The last letter his mother received was dated 20 May 1944. In that letter he says “Did I tell you that Sam Southworth was in our company? Sam has left again to join the machine gun platoon.”
On 23 May 1944 (the day that the Canadian Forces breached the formidable Adolf Hitler Line) Len was wounded in action at Cassino, Italy. He lay on the battlefield for 8 hours in the heat of the day before he was attended to, and then transferred to the field hospital for treatment and surgery. His parents were advised by cable that he was dangerously ill. Several similar cables were received until they were advised 21 days later, that he had succumbed to his wounds. He passed away on 13 June 1944, at the age of 21.
Len is one of many veterans who have a geographical feature named after them recognizing the contribution they made to their country. Longney Lake, in Manitoba (Lat. 58 20’; Long.100 40’) was named on 10 April 1972.
Private Leonard Victor Longney is laid to rest in the Cassino Military Cemetery, Cassino, Italy Plot 13, Row F, Grave 4 and listed on Page 364 in Canada’s World War II Book of Remembrance.
Rest in Peace Len.
Information provided by Joan (Larke) Sawatzky and Jim Larke, niece and nephew and from Library and Archives Canada.

Pilot Officer Norman Andrew Lumgair
1939-1945 Star, Aircrew Europe Star
Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) with Maple Leaf and Bomber Command Clasps, 1939-45 War Medal
Royal Canadian Air Force 408 Squadron
R157269 J86440
12 April 1922 – 15/16 March 1944
Norman was born on 12 April 1922 at Thornhill Manitoba to Robert W. and H. Louisa Lumgair (Ching). He received his education at Orangehill and Wellington Schools at Thornhill, finishing Grade XI in June of 1939. As well as working on the home farm, he enjoyed skiing and skating in the winter, and playing ball in the summer.
He enlisted and was taken on strength on February 26, 1942 and trained as a pilot at various bases in Manitoba and Saskatchewan. Canadian, as well as other Commonwealth Aircrews, were trained under British Commonwealth Air Training Plan, part of Canadas contribution to the war effort. He sailed for Britain on 27 March 1943. On arrival, he took more training on military bases in Britain and was assigned to 408 Squadron 04 February 1944 as a Flight Sergeant Pilot. 408 Squadron was a Lancaster Bomber Squadron at Linton-on-Ouse. He made five operational trips in February. The sixth and fatal trip was on 15 March 1944 with Stuttgart, Germany as the target. His plane encountered German night fighters over Hillsenheim, France and was shot down. The Book, “Last Flight To Stuttgart” by Lisa Russ recalls the story of Pilot Officer Lumgair and his aircrew.
A letter received by the family, dated 30 August 1949 reads as follows;
Dear Mr. Lumgair:
A communication has just come to hand from the Graves Registration Service which states that the graves of your son, Pilot Officer Norman Andrew Lumgair, and the members of his crew in Hilsenheim Cemetery, France have been registered by that Service. The graves of your son and his three crewmates who were not individually identified are registered collectively with their names as communal grave No. 4.
As you were previously advised the graves will be reverently cared for and maintained in perpetuity by the Imperial War Graves Commission (of which Canada is a member).
It is my earnest hope that you will be comforted with the knowledge that your son’s resting place is known, and that it will be permanently maintained, and I would like to take this opportunity of expressing to you and the members of your family my deepest sympathy in the loss of your gallant son.
Yours sincerely,
W.R. Gunn Wing Commander
Pilot Officer Norman Andrew Lumgair is commemorated on Page 369 of the Second World War Book of Remembrance kept in the Memorial Chamber of the Peace Tower Parliament Buildings in Ottawa, as well as the Bomber Command Memorial wall in Nanton, Alberta. The Province of Manitoba has named a geographical location in honour of each WW 2 casualty from Manitoba. A Memorial Plaque in honour of Pilot Officer N.A. Lumgair was place at the mouth of Lumgair Creek (east of Waboden, Manitoba) by his brother Robert O. Lumgair.
Information supplied by Hugh Lumgair.

Flying Officer Robert O. Lumgair
Distinguished Flying Cross (DFC), 1939-1945 Star, Aircrew Europe Star, Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, 1939-45 War Medal
Royal Canadian Air Force
408 Squadron
27 August 1919 – 02 July 2012
RO was the 4th son born to parents Robert W. and Hanna L. Lumgair (Ching) in Free Masons Hospital Morden, Manitoba.
He was educated in Orangehill School (near Thornhill) and Wellington Junior High School, graduating grade 11. RO was by all accounts a typical boy enjoying baseball, hockey, and by some accounts getting into mischief with friends. After graduation he farmed with his father and brothers, Wallace, John, Jim and Norman west of Thornhill.
He enlisted with the RCAF, 20 December 1940 and spent the next 15 months training as a Wireless Operator/Air Gunner in Canada and England. While on a training flight in England, summer of 1942, his aircraft crashed. The aircraft had a crew of 4 and RO was one of two survivors. He survived a second crash in July 1943.
RO flew with 408 Squadron and by 1943 had achieved the rank of Warrant Officer. In December 1943 his parents received a letter advising them that their son had been awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. The citation on which this award was made reads as follows:
“As Air Gunner Warrant Officer Lumgair has taken part in a large number of sorties involving attacks on industrial centres in the Ruhr and many other targets of importance. He is a most conscience member of the aircraft crew whose vigilance and skill have played a good part in the successes obtained during an operation against Hanover. In October, 1943, his aircraft was attacked by a fighter. In the ensuing combat Warrant Officer Lumgair displayed excellent judgement in directing the necessary evading tactics, afterwards using his guns to such good effort in unison with the rear gunner that the attacker was shot down in flames. His efforts contributed materially to the success of the sortie.”
Signed by Charles G. Power the Minister of National Defence for Air.
Shortly after being awarded the DFC, RO was commissioned to the rank of Flying Officer and by 10 June 1944 had completed his, “Tour” of 30 operations and was moved to the reserve list and was struck of RCAF strength 22 August 1944.
When RO returned home from the war one of his first priorities was to marry the lady he could not forget about. Robert O. Lumgair and Isobel Kunzelman were married 06 July 1945 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. They raised 3 children Robert P. (deceased) G. Murray and Lori G. They were happily married for 47 years until Isobels passing 18 November 1992. This loss was very hard on RO.
RO lived his entire life, except for his wartime service, in the Thornhill Morden area. In addition to farming he and Isobel cleaned the Thornhill School for many years and he also delivered the mail. He was involved in the community and served on Thornhill Coop, Manitoba Pool Elevator Board, Thornhill Curling Club, Morden Curling Club, Morden Handi Van and Legion building committee for the Legion as well as Legion I, where he and Isobel lived after retiring from the farm.
RO loved to play his “Squeeze Box” for his children and later for the grandchildren, and anyone else who cared to listen. Later he moved to the Tabor Home and had many great years there enjoying playing the squeeze box for the people and playing crib.
Robert O. Lumgair passed away 02 July 2012, he was 92.
Information supplied by son Murray and daughter Lori.

Private Walter Martindale
No record of receiving medals however entitlement would be British War Medal, Victory Medal
184th Overseas Battalion
Walter Martindale was born 03 February 1865 in Hamilton, Ontario, the first child of Isaac and Hannah Martindale. Walter emigrated to the United States and landed at the Port of Elwood, on or about the month of May 1889. He lived in Cavalier County, North Dakota for a while where he applied for American citizenship 01 July 1889. For some reason Walter had a change of heart and decided to return to Canada. He moved to farm in the Morden area in 1897, met Flora Law and married her in 1898. Walter was the sole supporter of his mother, Hannah Martindale prior to the war and provided her with $40.00 a month.
Walter enlisted 04 March 1916 with the 184th Battalion at Morden, Manitoba stating he was born 03 February 1876 making him 39 years of age. He was 5’ 6½ ” tall with a fair complexion, grey eyes and auburn hair on enlistment. He arrived in England 12 November 1916 and was sent to Frances in the early part of 1917. He spent 11 months in theatre until early 1918 at which time he was diagnosed with Malagia. Walter confirmed that he had actually been born in 1865 making him 53 years of age. He had lied about his age on enlistment as he would not otherwise have been taken. He was deemed “Medically Unfit” (overage), discharged and returned to Canada. Due to his age, his experiences in France broke his health and he was never the same man. Walter and his family moved to Windy gates, Manitoba in 1926 and stayed for 2 years living on the N.E. ¼ 7-1-17. Walter and Flora had a large family, Edith May (died shortly after birth), Harry, Isabel, Lillian, Florence, Walton, Sybil, Gilbert (Jack), Louisa, Gladys, Lloyd, Hazel, Wilfred (Buff) and Velma.
Walter died 21 November 1929 in Morden, he was 63. At the time of his death the youngest four children were still living at home, with Velma at 4 years the youngest.
Flora Martindale raised them alone through the depression years, moving often, as the houses she rented were sold or a place with a bigger or better garden became available. Once they even moved to a home farther from the Dead Horse Creek as they had been nearly flooded out that spring. Those were hard years for her as there was a good portion of sickness and she had much concern for the older ones who were “on their own” and jobs were hard to find. After a time Flora Martindale went to Snowflake, Manitoba to keep house for a family there. She took Velma with her.
Walter Martindale is buried at Hillside Cemetery in Morden, Manitoba.
Information from family and Walter’s WW I Personnel File.

Pilot Officer (AG) Lloyd William McElroy
1939-1945 Star, France and Germany Star
Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, 1939-45 War Medal
Royal Canadian Air Force
415 (Swordfish) Squadron
Lloyd William McElroy was born in Morden, Manitoba 23 March 1924 to William Lorne and Francis Mary (Greenacre) McElroy. Lloyd’s mother, Francis, was born in Norfolk, England. Lloyd had 2 brothers Robert (Bob) and Mervyn and one sister Ina Mae, they grew up on the farm at Darlingford, Manitoba. Lloyd attended the Lorne School, 1930 -1939. He left school at 14 and worked on his father’s farm for the next 3 years and enjoyed playing sports, in particular hockey, baseball and football.
Lloyd signed his Royal Canadian Air Force attestation papers 12 January 1943 and was immediately granted unpaid leave until 08 June when he began his basic and aircrew selection training at Brandon. From Brandon it was on to the Pre-Aircrew Education Course at Regina, finishing in August with a recommendation, “qualified for the category of AIRCREW.” He subsequently trained at numerous RCAF Stations, Rivers and in Quebec and upon successful completion of this phase, 23 December 1943, he received his Air Gunner (AG) Badge and was promoted to Sergeant.
While on Christmas leave at Darlingford, Lloyd married Isobel Helen Pearce on 25 December 1943. Isobel lived for some time at 1482 Bannatyne Avenue, Winnipeg, Mb.
Training, for the newly married Sgt McElroy, continued in Canada at MacDonald, Lachine and Valleyfield until posted to the United Kingdom (UK) 05 March 1944. After further training at No. 22 Operational Training Unit (OTU) and completion on 12 June 1944, he was assessed as being “Keen, conscientious and reliable” and was also recommended for a commission by the Officer Commanding. Lloyd had certainly matured since his recruitment interview in June of the previous year where he was considered “immature, slack and irresponsible.” Upon completion of training 21 July 1944, Sergeant (AG) L.W. McElroy was transferred to 415 Squadron.
415 (Swordfish) Squadron was initially formed 20 August 1941 at Thorney Island and served as a torpedo-bombing unit with Coastal Command. The Squadron was transferred to No. 6 (RCAF) Group of Bomber Command 12 July 1944 and was then based out of East Moore. The Squadron assumed a heavy bomber role when equipped with the Halifax at the same time. Hamburg, Germany was the target of the first operational mission of the squadron with 15 Halifax Bombers. It was a night bombing operation 28/29 July 1944. Lloyd’s aircraft, LW 595 was attacked, hit by enemy fighters and subsequently crashed at Stotel Kreis Wessermunde, Germany. A witness stated that in the summer of 1944 “an aircraft was seen burning in the air and crashed 1 km south of the village of Stotel. It exploded on impact.” Of the 9 crew on board the Halifax, only Flying Officer R.A. Harvey managed to bail out but was captured and taken prisoner the following day. This was Lloyd’s first mission, he had been with the squadron 8 days.
On 01 August 1944 Mrs. L.W. McElroy (Lloyd’s wife Isobel) received the following message from the RCAF casualty officer;
A message dated 20 September 1944, again from the R.C.A.F. Casualty Officer, to Lloyd’s wife Isobel states that information from Germany, through the International Red Cross Society says, “your husband previously reported missing, lost his life.” This was followed up by another letter to both Isobel and Lloyd’s father on 26 September.
Sergeant Lloyd William McElroy’s recommendation for commission was approved and he was posthumously promoted to Pilot Officer, effective 27 July 1944.
Pilot Officer (AG) Lloyd William McElroy is buried in the Becklingen War Cemetery, Plot 24, Row A, Grave 14, Soltau, Germany and is commemorated on Page 385 of the Second World War Book of Remembrance in Ottawa and also named in his honour is Lake McElroy, Manitoba 59 degrees, 46 minutes, 13 seconds north latitude and 98 degrees, 20 minutes, 43 seconds west longitude. This is approximately 447 km north of Thompson, Manitoba.
Information from Library and Archives Canada (P.O. L.W. McElroy’s war records), the family, 415 (Swordfish) Squadron history and the Province of Manitoba.

Private Alick Russel Mcleod
Korean Medal, U.N. Service Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM)
Royal Canadian Corp of Signal
06 December 1926 – 30 September 1994
Alick Russel McLeod was born to World War 1 veteran Robert Murray McLeod and Mary (Corrigal) McLeod on 06 December 1926 in Dugald, Manitoba. He grew up in a family of 8 children. His oldest brother Roderick was killed in France in 1943 while serving with the Royal Canadian Air Force. Alick joined the Manitoba Telephone system as a linesman in 1947.
In June of 1950 North Korea invaded South Korea, initiating a conflict that became the Korean War. A United Nations-led coalition was formed with 16 countries providing troops. Canada was one of the countries to intercede in the conflict. Over 26,700 Canadian troops served as part of the British Commonwealth Forces Korea. The Royal Canadian Corps of Signals (RCCS) was disbursed among the Canadian Regiments as well as some American Units and contributed to the overall success of the UN mission.
Alick joined the Canadian Forces in 1950 and became a member of Royal Canadian Corps of Signals. After training he was attached the newly formed 3rd Battalion, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry and deployed to Korea. He served in Korea until the armistice, signed 27 July 1953.
Upon his return to Canada he was released from the Forces and resumed his employment with MTS. His 34 year career took him to Morris, Winnipeg, Churchill and Morden. In 1954 Alick married Nancy Clover Fraser of Carman. Alick and Nancy had 5 Children: Janice Wiebe (Wayne), Tracy Fehr (Ed), Kathryn Gillis (Miles), Scott McLeod (Darlene) and Leslie Malkowich. He has 12 grandchildren and an ever growing number of great-grandchildren.
Alick was active in the Legion from 1953 on, serving as President of the Morden Legion Branch 11 in 1990 and 1991. Alick was a proud Canadian and a loving father and grandfather.
Alick Russel McLeod passed away 30 September 1994.
Information from Tracey Fehr and Royal Canadian Corps of Signals – Wikipedia.

Private Reinold Mikolasek
1939-1945 Star, Italy Star, Defence Medal,
Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp
1939-45 War Medal
Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry
Born 1920 – 11 May 1957
Reinold Mikolasek was born 1920 in Milose, Poland to Vaclav Mikolasek, (b 1880 Milose, Poland) and Mary Tomicek (b 28 February 1887 Poland) who were married in 1904. Although the Mikolaseks lived in Poland they were of Czech nationality. Poland in the 1920’s was a country beset with hardships following WW l and rumblings of more political unrest caused many families to pack up their few belongings and make the decision to find a better life in Canada. In 1929 Valclav and Mary Mikolasek gathered their family and began the long Journey from Milose, Poland to Thornhill, Manitoba. With them were their eldest son Anthony, his wife Bessie and daughter Annie (2) along with their other children Vernon, Nettie, John, Reinold (9) and Walter (5). They sailed on the ship “La Bourdonnais” of the Baltic American Line and arrived at Halifax 30 May 1929, cleared customs and began the long and tiring train journey to Thornhill. The Mikolaseks settled in the 1-5 and 1-6 area where others from Poland had already settled. They would not be entirely alone in this strange new land. They stayed there until 1935 when Valclav along with his sons Vernon and Reinold set up farming on the NE ¼ 18-1-7. Vernon married in 1935 and set up his own home, Reinold and his father continued to farm together.
Reinold left his father on the farm and joined the Canadian Military and trained with The Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI) in Canada and England. On 10 July 1943 the Patricia’s landed in Leonforte, Sicily and gained their first Battle Honour of WW II. Following the capture of Sicily by the allies the PPCLI were sent to Italy on 04 September 1943. Reinold’s war experience was short lived as he was wounded and lost his right arm during the Sicily campaign and he was sent back to Canada.
When Reinold returned from Europe he bought W ½ 17-1-7 and farmed there with his father. On 03 July 1947 a tornado ripped through the Windygates area, it destroyed the farm and killed his father. After this tragedy Reinold lived with his brother Vernon’s family until he purchased SW ¼ 15-1-7 at Windygates. Reinold farmed this land until his passing 11 May 1957.
Reinold Mikalasek is buried at Hillside Cemetery in Morden Manitoba.

1939-1945 Star, Italy Star, Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, 1939-45 War Medal
Queens Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada
Seaforth Highlanders of Canada
Gordon was born 12 September 1920 to Neil and Bertha (Sandercock) McNaughton. He was the 5th of 7 children and his siblings were Thomas, Coll, Vera, Don, Margaret and Irene. The family lived in the Opawaka School district and Gordon attended there. Opawaka is in the Rural Municipality of Thompson southwest of present day Miami, Manitoba. They eventually moved to the Edgar Sandercock farm one mile north of Morden and Gordon then attended school in Morden until grade 8.
Gordon enlisted 05 April 1940 with the Queens Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada. He departed Canada 13 December 1940 and landed at Gourock Scotland 28 December 1940. He spent almost three years in the United Kingdom, training on a variety of courses. He was promoted to Corporal 24 June 1942 and to Lance Sergeant 01 May 1943 and was then deployed to the Mediterranean 26 September 1943. On arrival in Italy, he was transferred to the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada and a month later became Acting Company Sergeant Major (A/CSM). He was wounded in March 1944 and while recovering was promoted to Warrant Officer 2nd Class (WO2) and confirmed Company Sergeant Major (CSM), 20 March 1944. CSM McNaughton recovered from his wounds and returned to duty and was wounded again in October 1944. He was returned to Canada in March 1945 and after recovering from his wounds and leave he was discharged effective, 04 August 1945.
Gordon married Margaret (Peggy) Ferris, of the Cheval District, north of Morden, on 25 September 1946 and they had 2 children, Gwen and Valerie. They farmed 3-4-6 at Dunston, northwest of Morden, until the 1980’s when they moved to Miami.
William Gordon McNaughton succumbed to cancer 02 May 1990 and is buried at the Nelsonville Cemetery in the Rural Municipality of Thompson, Manitoba.
Information supplied family and Gordons war records from Library and Archives Canada

Captain Allister Grant Morden
1939-1945 Star, France and Germany Star, Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, 1939-45 War Medal, Special Service Medal (SSM), Canadian Forces Decoration(CD) Royal Canadian Air Force
Canadian Armed Forces
Allister Grant Morden was born in Morden, Manitoba 17 November 1921 to John Alvey and Bertha Marion (Von Paul) Morden. He had 2 siblings Eva (Berry) and George. Allister received his education at the Maple Leaf School and Morden High School.
World War 2 broke out shortly after his graduation and in 1941 Allister enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF). Allister was selected for aircrew and trained as a Navigator. Upon completion of training in 1942 he was transferred to England. Allister was serving with Royal Air Force, 115 Squadron in 1944. While on a bombing mission, over France, in June, his aircraft, a Lancaster, was shot down, by a German fighter, at Valenciennes, France. Of the seven crew, 5 were killed in the attack and only Allister and the pilot, Flying Officer Peter J. Anaka survived and bailed out. They landed separated but both evaded capture. Allister made contact with the French underground and was hidden for three months in Rumaucourt. The following quote is from the book, THE ONE HUNDREDTH AIRMAN by Reg Stead and Murray Straker page 254. George Simmler was an American pilot who had been shot down sometime before Al and was being hidden by the resistance and Reine’ Wiart was a member of the French Resistance.
“When the American forces liberated Rumaucourt in early September 1944, Al Morden refused to go with them, although his roommate George Simmler naturally did so. Rather, Al wished to contact the British or Canadian Armies and so Reine’ Wiart agreed to accompany him to Arras which was held by the British. From Arras Al was taken to Paris and then to Bayeux in Normandy from where he was repatriated to Britain and eventually returned to Canada.
Upon reaching home Al completed university and continued his career in the R.C.A.F., primarily as a navigator and later in air traffic control and administration. He retired in 1968.
Soon after the war, while umpiring a ball game, Al met and eventually married the catcher on one of the teams. The young lady, Dorothy Leonhardt, was born in Poplar Point, Manitoba, and was teaching in Portage La Prairie.
In the 50s while on a tour of duty with NATO forces in Europe, Al was able to take Dorothy to Rumaucourt to show her his old haunt. He was quickly recognized by his old resistance friends and, of course a party was held in his honour. The couple stayed in the village for a couple of days, even sleeping in Al’s old secret room in the Chateau.”
“Al also went to the U.S. Airforce Base at Leon in France where the Commanding Officer was Al’s old fellow Evader Major George Simmler.”
From Winnipeg the Morden’s were transferred to Zwiebruken, Germany where their children Pamela and Grant were born. Postings after Zwiebruken included Hamilton, Ontario, Goose Bay, Labrador, Baden, Germany and Portage La Prairie, Manitoba. After retirement from the Canadian Armed Forces Allister eventually took a job with the Post Office in Morden and stayed until retiring in 1985. In 1974 Allister joined the ranks of “The Company”, an amateur theatre group in Morden. He performed in several plays, THE GIRL IN THE FREUDIAN SLIP, THE TOMORROW BOX and THE BLACK BONSPIEL OF WULLIE McCRIMMON. He very much enjoyed this part of his life and stayed with “The Company” until 1985. Allister was a member of the Royal Canadian Legion for over 60 years.
Captain Allister Grant Morden passed away 27 May 2015 and is buried at Hillside Cemetery in Morden, Manitoba.
Information supplied by the family, Royal Air Force 155 Squadron history and from the book THE ONE HUNDRDTH AIRMAN by Reg Stead and Murray Straker.

Private Thomas David Mitchell
Canadian Armed Forces
Thomas David Mitchell was born 15 November 1963 to Ken and Marion (Armstrong) Mitchell. He was the youngest of 7 siblings, sisters Vivian Mitchell, Linda Mitchell, Valerie Pauls, Carol Lamarre and Gloria Konecki. He was predeceased by his brother Kenneth Ross Mitchell.
David grew up and attended school in Morden from 1969 – 1981. As a young boy he went to Sunday School at the Alliance Church in Morden and it was at the Alliance Family Camp at Pelican Lake, Manitoba that David made a commitment to the Lord at the age of 12 years.
He spent three of his summers at his sister, Linda’s in Fort St. John B.C. He had often talked about joining the Navy and in the summer of 1981 he visited the Prince George Recruiting Office and in January 1982 he was accepted into the Canadian Armed Forces. David received his basic training at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Cornwallis, Nova Scotia and after completion was transferred to CFB Borden, Ontario for training as a Supply Technician. Upon successful completion of this training he was transferred to CFB Lahr, Germany, he enjoyed the posting very much. In one of his letters home he wrote “while on top of a mountain I could see for miles and miles and miles, I could have stayed there for the rest of my life but I couldn’t, I have more mountains to climb.”
On 09 June 1983, Private Thomas David Mitchell died as a result of a vehicle mishap on the autobahn in Germany. He is buried at Hillside
Cemetery in Morden, Manitoba.

Sergeant Irene Glades “Micky” Monaghan (Pritchard)
Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM), 1939-45 War Medal
Royal Canadian Air Force
Irene Glades “Micky” Pritchard was born 18 December 1919 in Killarney, Manitoba to Roy Turiff and Flossie Glayds (Roller) Pritchard. Micky’s dad was born in Killarney and her mom Glayds, was born in Pinestone, Illinois, U.S.A. Micky had one sister Devona (Kentner).
Micky went to school in Killarney and enjoyed tennis, skating, riding, cycling and curling. In 1935 she took a job at Dysons Ltd and continued her education with some correspondence courses. In 1938 she began work at the A. McCauley Law Office in Morden as a secretary. She stayed there until joining in the war effort.
Micky enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) 16 June 1943 and due to her education and work experience, was assigned the trade Administrative Clerk / Stenographer and served at Trenton and Ottawa. She attained the rank of Sergeant before wars end and was honourably released and transferred to the Reserve, General Section, Class E on 29 July 1946.
Micky married Ramsay Alexander Monaghan (1923-2004) 10 October 1946 in Killarney. After the war Micky worked at the combined Town of Morden and Rural Municipality of Stanley offices in Morden, Manitoba. Micky was an avid golfer and curler and a long serving member of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 11 in Morden. She served in a variety of executive positions including President in 1973. In 1983 Micky was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal by the Dominion Command of the Royal Canadian Legion for “outstanding devotion to the aims and objectives of the Legion”, additionally, she was awarded a Lifetime Membership by Branch 11.
Irene Glades “Micky” Monaghan (Pritchard) died 01 August 2010 and is buried at Hillside Cemetery in Morden, Manitoba.
Information from Library and Archives Canada, family, friends and the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 11 Morden, Manitoba.

Corporal Ramsay Alexander (Ribs) Monaghan
1939-1945 Star, Italy Star
France and Germany Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, 1939-45 War Medal, Bronze Cross (Netherlands)
Royal Winnipeg Rifles
Loyal Edmonton Regiment
Ramsay Alexander Monaghan was born in Morden, Manitoba on 23 October 1923. He was the son of John Leo (1884-1924) and Elizabeth Mae (Morden 1890-?) Monaghan. Ramsay had two brothers, David, who was killed while serving in Europe during WW II, Douglas and one sister, Verna (McNaughton).
Ramsay enlisted with the Royal Winnipeg Rifles in June 1940, he was 16 years old. For unknown reasons, he was transferred to the Loyal Edmonton Regiment (Loyal Eddies). He was sent to Europe in 1941 and fought in the battle for Sicily with his regiment, July – August 1943. After the capture of Sicily in September of that year the Loyal Eddies were sent to Italy. Canadian Press War Correspondent, Douglas Amaron, in a report from the battle for Ortona, listed Private R.A. Monaghan of Morden as one of the First Aid men and drivers who worked throughout the battle. Corporal Ramsay A. Monaghan is later mentioned in a casualty report from Ottawa as one of 34 Manitobans wounded. In March of 1945, at the conclusion of the Italian campaign, the Loyal Eddies were sent to North-West Europe (France, Belgium and Germany) and eventually ended up in Holland where the regiment was disbanded in late 1945. On his return to Canada, after more than 5 years of military service, Ramsay was finally old enough to vote.
Ramsay was awarded the Het Bronzen Kruis (Bronze Cross) of the Netherlands by the Dutch Council in Winnipeg on behalf of Queen Wilhelmina of The Netherlands. The medal is awarded for, ”Acts of courage and leadership in the face of the enemy.” It is the third highest military decoration still being awarded for bravery by the Netherlands.
On 10 October 1946 Ramsay married Irene Glades “Micky” Pritchard (1919-2010) in Killarney. In those post war years he operated a Barber Shop and Hair Salon in Morden. In the late 1950’s he purchased the former Rabinovitch store and until 1990 operated a men’s clothing store at that location.
A long-time member of the Royal Canadian Legion, Ramsay served in a variety of positions on the executive including, President two terms, 1953 and 1968-69 as well as several terms as Sergeant-at-Arms. For his dedication and service to the Legion and community, Ramsay was awarded the Royal Canadian Legion’s Meritorious Service Medal.
Ramsay was long serving member of the Morden Volunteer Fire Department and served over 25 years as the Chief. Ramsay, an avid golfer and all round sports enthusiast, was also active in many minor sports programmes in Morden. In 1969 his ardent volunteerism, in the community, earned him the Kinsman “Citizen of the Year” award.
Ramsay Alexander “Ribs” Monaghan passed away 28 January 2004 and is buried at Hillside Cemetery in Morden Manitoba.
Information provide by family, friends and from Wikipedia and the Loyal Edmonton Regiment history.

Lance Bombardier Elmer Ross Morrow
1939-1945 Star, Italy Star, France and Germany Star, Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp
Royal Canadian Artillery
Elmer Morrow was born in the RM of Pembina on 02 July 1918, the first son of Ross and Clara Morrow. His mother, Clara, died when Elmer was only 13 years old. His father remarried a year later, to Olive Williment.
When Elmer finished school he worked on the family farm and on threshing crews.
Elmer joined the army, Royal Canadian Artillery (RCA) on 28 January 1941 and commenced his training at Shilo, Manitoba. He was transferred to England 28 June 1941 where he continued his training. While in England, his gun crew won the British Commonwealth Artillery Competition.
In September of 1943 Elmer’s gun battery was transferred to Italy where they fought the war up the Italian boot until July of 1944 when they were transferred to southern France where they participated in driving the Germans out. Initially the resistance was light as the Germans were retreating faster than the allies advanced. When the war ended 08 May 1945, Elmer’s battery was in Holland. He was repatriated and sent to Winnipeg, Manitoba and discharged 13 September 1945.
After his discharge, Elmer returned to farming with his brother Elgin. He was a dedicated farmer who loved what he did, solving problems on the farm and with the machinery. He was an active member of the community and friendly to everyone. He thought the history of farming in the area was important and participated at the Austin Agricultural Museum for a number of years.
In 1953 Elmer married Alice Chanin who taught at the Elam School, NW29-2-6W, south of Thornhill. Over time they had three children, Linda, Howard and Dwight. They retired from the farm in 1978 and moved to Darlingford. Elmer’s wife, Alice passed away in 1989.
Lance Bombardier Elmer Ross Morrow passed away 29 August 1994 and was laid to rest in the Darlingford Cemetery, Darlingford, Manitoba.
Information supplied by family.

Private Melvin Allan Murdy
1939-1945 Star, Italy Star, mCanadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, 1939-45 War Medal
Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI)
Melvin Allan Murdy was born 25 May 1918.
Melvin Joined the PPCLI in February 1940 and by 1942 was with the Motorized Machine Gun Platoon (MMG). Operation Husky, the invasion of Sicily by the Allies, began early in the morning of 10 July 1943. Private Murdy’s battle was short lived as he was one of the first wounded on that day. He recovered and after the Sicily campaign was sent to Italy. He was qualified to drive an Armoured Personnel Carrier (APC), operate the Vickers Guns as well as the 38 Wireless Set. Additionally, he served for a time as a Bateman to an officer, Charles Sydney Frost, who later, as Honorary Colonel of the Regiment, authored several books on the PPCLI. Melvin survived unscathed until 07 July 1945 when, during the battle at the Naviglio Canal near Milan, Italy, he was severely wounded. His back was broken, he lost two vertebrae and his one leg ended up being 2 ½ inches shorter. His military service was finished. He was sent to London, England and after a long recovery was eventually repatriated to Canada.
Melvin went back to his hometown Manitou, Manitoba and resided there until his passing.
Melvin Allan Murdy passed away 12 May 1997 and is buried

Jacob “Jake” Neisteter
France & Germany Star, Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, 1939-45 War Medal
Royal Canadian Engineers
26 April 1919 – 08 October 2012
Jacob “Jake” Neisteter was born 26 April 1919 in southern Russia. Later that year his father was killed in the Uprising of 1919. His mother remarried but 3 years later she died of typhoid fever. His adoptive father remarried and Jake was so grateful that they kept the adoption valid and gave him the opportunity to come to Canada at the age of 7 years. In 1926 they settled in southern Saskatchewan and then in 1935 the family moved to Winkler. Jake spent the winters of 1937 and 1938 attending the local Bible School in Winkler.
In July 1940, while working in Ontario, he enlisted in the Army and was sent to Camp Petawawa for training. He spent over 5 years serving his country during World War 11 in Italy, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, England and Germany, returning to Winkler in 1945. These are the war medals he received:
After returning from Europe, Jake married Tina Loewen and their marriage was blessed with 3 children…Beverly, Janice & Ron. Later he was also blessed with 2 grandsons and 2 great-grandsons.
Jake’s faith was very important to him, and in 1959 he was baptized upon the confession of his faith. He enjoyed his working career and spent over 21 years at the Winkler Post Office, and later together with his son Ron, started a landscaping business. He was well-known for his jovial character and his volunteer work in the community; he played in the town band, spent many years as a volunteer fire fighter, and loved to lend a hand wherever he could. Jake loved hunting and fishing and was so glad to see that his son, grandson and now his great-grandsons also appreciated these sports. He also enjoyed golf and curling. Although Jake did many things in his life, what he valued most was relationships.
He died at the age of 93 years on 08 October 2012.
Information submitted by Ron and Carol Neisteter

Private David Scott Nichol
Canadian Infantry (Manitoba Regiment)
8th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force
02 January 1888 – 28 April 1917
David Scott Nichol was born 02 January 1888 and his birth was registered in the South Dufferin Manitoba, which was the Darlingford designation at that time. His parents were Martin and Catherine (Scott) Nichol of Darlingford.
David enlisted on 06 November 1915 in Winnipeg and listed his occupation as farmer. He sailed from Canada to Liverpool on the Titanic’s sister ship the SS Olympic with his brother Walter 31 May 1916. Prior to his enlistment he had been dating Olive Johnston off Thornhill, after his death she later married his brother Walter.
In 1916, while stationed in England, he wrote a letter to Olive mentioning he still had some of last year’s wheat at his brother Tom’s farm in Saskatchewan that his brother had not yet been able to haul to market for him.
On 28 April 1917 the Canadian Infantry (Manitoba Regiment) of the 8th Battalion, of which Private Nichol was a member, attacked Arleux over a low rise, but was hit by “heavy automatic fire from the town and the woods to the south. Their centre company lost all of its officers and was held up by barbed wire; the two flank companies managed to gain their objectives on schedule, midway between Arleus and the village of Fresnoy. Private Nichol was killed in action and the records list the location of his unit at time of casualty as “attack just north of Willerval to Arleux En Gohelle.”
David Scott Nichol is buried in France near Arras, with the Veterans Affairs listing the cemetery as the Vimy Memorial, Pas de Calais, France. He is commemorated on Page 301 of Canada’s First World War Book of Remembrance.
Information supplied by Kenneth Nichol and Library and Archives Canada

Lance Corporal David Scott Nichol
1939-1945 Star, Pacific Star
Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Hong Kong Bar, 1939-45 War Medal
Winnipeg Grenadiers, Royal Canadian Infantry Corps
12 December 1921 – 12 October 1942
David Scott Nichol was born in Bateman, Saskatchewan 12 December 1921. His war records state he was born in 1919, but like many of his peers and his brother Bill as well, they had lied about their age in order to enlist. His Parents, Walter and Olive (Johnston) Nichol moved back to Darlingford shortly after David was born. David was living at home, on the Darlingford farm, when he enlisted. On his enlistment papers he expressed interested in someday running his own garage.
David enrolled with the Winnipeg Grenadiers, a unit that had originated in Morden, Manitoba 01 April 1908 but was re-designated Winnipeg Grenadiers 02 May 1910. The Royal Rifles of Canada and the Winnipeg Grenadiers travelled from Winnipeg to Vancouver by train (CPR) and on 27 October 1941 his Company boarded the PRINCE ROBERT, a converted cruiser bound for Hong Cong, arriving 16 November. Equipment marked for ‘C’ Force was loaded on the ship DON JOSE, but would never reach Hong Kong as it was rerouted to Manila when hostilities commenced. These two units had been provided with minimal training as it was though that they would be required to provide Garrison Duty at Hong Kong. On 08 December 1941 the Japanese invaded Hong Kong and the British and Canadian Forces were soon overwhelmed. The fighting lasted 17 ½ days and at 1515 hrs 25 December 1941, the white flag of surrender was hoisted.
Of the 1975 Canadians, 290 were killed in action, 493 wounded, 264 would die as POW’s of which Lance Corporal David Scott Nichol was one. He lasted until 12 October 1942 and died of Acute Enteritis, an inflammation of the small intestine, which was probably brought on by the starvation diet of very bad food supplied by the Japanese. Lance Corporal David Scott Nichol is buried at the Sai Wan War Cemetery and is commemorated on page 102 in Canada’s World War II Book of Remembrance.
In keeping with its custom, the Manitoba Government named a provincial body of water in his memory in 1957, Nichol Lake is northeast of North Knife Lake, Manitoba.
Information supplied by Kenneth Nichol and family and from Library and Archives Canada.

Private Robert Allan Patterson
1939-1945 Star, France and Germany Star, Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, 1939-45 War Medal
Royal Canadian Artillery
Royal Canadian Electrical Mechanical Engineers
Allan was born 20 December 1917 to Peter and Jessie (Duncan) Patterson of the Rosebank district, north of Morden, Manitoba. They had a mixed farm at (22-4-5) in the Clegg School District in the RM of Thompson.
Allan was the eldest of three children, he had a brother Lorrie and a sister Norma. He attended the Clegg School until grade 8 after which he farmed with his father and also worked as a mechanic at Brunn’s Garage in Morden until enlisting in the army. On 22 November 1940, at the age of 23, Allan joined the Royal Winnipeg Rifles and served for approximately 30 days. On 11 January 1941 he joined the Royal Canadian Artillery (R.C.A.) at Brandon, Manitoba and was given the rank of Gunner (Private in the Artillery). On 28 April 1941 he was transferred to Fort Osborne in Winnipeg and spent several months training as a mechanic and on 07 July 1941 was transferred to the 17th Field Battery. He was subsequently transferred to Borden, Ontario and then to a school in London, Ontario and on completion was classified as an aero-engine, diesel and motor mechanic (fitter). Allan’s records indicate that upon course completion, December 1941, he was transferred to 1st Canadian Base Ground Workshop. Since he was no longer attached to the RCA his rank designation, Gunner, was now changed to Private. On 12 March 1942 he was transferred overseas to Gourock, Scotland and trained as a Motor Vehicle (MV) and Armoured Fighting Vehicle (AFV) fitter and driver. Allan served in the United Kingdom and on 13 August 1944 landed in France and served throughout North West Europe. He served at various times with elements of Royal Canadian Ordinance Corp (RCOC) and eventually as a member of the Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (REME). After hostilities ceased in Europe, prior to his repatriation to Canada and in spite of his record, several Absent With Out Leave (AWOL) charges, Allan was asked to continue serving post war as a mechanic. He elected to take the discharge and on 13 February 1946 was released, returned to the farm and worked there with his father.
Allan was introduced to Emma Hilderman by an army buddie. She worked at the Defence Industries Limited (DIL) ammunition plant in Ajax, Ontario, filling shells. They married 15 June 1946 and continued farming. Allan and Emma had 3 children, Carol Banman, Blaine (deceased 2006) and Pat Hiebert (deceased 2012). They continued to live with Allan’s parents, sharing a 15 room house, until his father passed away 05 November 1951. Allan’s mother Jessie then moved to Winnipeg and went to work as a housekeeper, eventually moving in with her other son Lorrie and his wife Elma, until her passing 15 May 1960.
Allan served many years as a trustee for the Clegg School Division and when Clegg was consolidated with the Morden and Miami School Districts he became a school bus driver, taking the children to Morden. Emma too became school bus driver and acted as a spare.
In 1966 Allan and Emma sold the farm and bought a house on 6th Street in Morden. Emma went to work as a dietary aide for the Morden District General Hospital and Allan, missing the farm, got a job at the Morden Experimental Farm, now the Morden Research and Development Centre. During their time in Morden they enjoyed their family, friends, baseball games, curling bonspiels, deer hunting and some traveling. They were members of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 11 (Allan 25 years) and Legion Auxiliary (Emma) for many years. Emma passed away 28 August 2008.
Robert Allan Patterson passed away 29 November 1975 at 57 years of age and is buried at Hillside Cemetery in Morden, Manitoba.
Information is from Allan’s war records (Library and Archives Canada) and from Carol Banman (daughter) and Kelly Torrington (Patterson – granddaughter)

Able Seaman Arthur William Peers
1939-1945 Star, Atlantic Star
Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, 1939-45 War Medal
Royal Canadian Navy
Arthur William Peers was born 21 March 1923 to Arthur George Withers and Eva Beatrice (Best) Peers in Dauphin, Manitoba. He grew up with his two sisters Celia and Freda and attended school in the community in which he was born. As a teenager he worked at the Gay Theater in Dauphine as a projectionist.
Art joined the Royal Canadian Navy in 1942 at age 19 and was known to his peers as Sea Biscuit. He served on HMCS Magog, a River Class Frigate that was assigned to convoy escort in the North Atlantic, along the eastern coast of Canada and the U.S. At 1925 hrs 14 October 1944, while in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, they were torpedoed by U-Boat U1223. The Magog lost 65 feet off its stern, nearly 1/4th of its 283 foot length. Fortunately, of the ships company there were only 6 casualties, 3 killed and 3 injured. HMCS Magog did not sink and was towed to safety and later declared as being unrepairable. Sea Biscuit was transferred to the HMCS Waskisui, another River Class Frigate also assigned to convoy escort duty and the search for U-Boats until VE Day 08 May 1945, He was discharged 24 August 1945.
After his RCN service Art got employment with the Manitoba Power Commission (MPC), later Manitoba Hydro and in 1949 met and married Anne Dyck. They moved to Manitou Manitoba in 1951 where he was a lineman and became the Assistant District Supervisor for MPC. He and Anne had 5 children Lorraine, Judi, Arthur, Rick and Thomas and in May 1966 Anne passed away.
In 1969 Art was transferred to Morden where he worked with hot line tools as a lineman and later changed his job to bucket truck operator, the first in the Morden district
. In 1974 he married Marie Klassen and they were married 30 years. Art retired from Manitoba Hydro in 1982 and took up a hobby of making trinkets which he gave to family and friends, “just to see a smile on their faces.”
During his lifetime Arthur was awarded the War Service Badge by Royal Canadian Navy Volunteer Reserve (RCNVR) HMCS Chippiwa. He was a Life Member of the Royal Canadian Legion and a member of St Thomas Anglican Church and in 1998 he received the Caregiver of the Year Award.
Arthur William Peers passed away 21 September 2004 and is buried at the Manitou Cemetery.

Leading Aircraftsman Neil Penner
1939 – 1945 Star, Italy Star, France & Germany Star, Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, 1939 – 45 War Medal
Royal Canadian Air Force
Neil Penner was born 10 July 1924 near Plum Coulee Manitoba. He was the only son with 9 sisters born to Peter and Margaret (Neufeld) Penner. Neil related many times how he felt like he was living in a girl’s dormitory. His family moved often as his father sought jobs to support his growing family. At the tender age of 10 Neil was sent out to work for neighbouring farmers. He proved from a very young age, to be a hard worker.
At the age of 17 Neil enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force in Winnipeg. Shortly after that he was sent to Halifax for more training. In 1942, when his group was ready to be shipped to England, Neil came down with chicken pox and was hospitalized for 21 days. Thus, he missed sailing with his buddies.
World War II took its toll on many of Neil’s friends. God protected Neil through many hardships of war during his 5 year tour of duty. He proudly served in England, Italy, Germany, Belgium and Holland. He returned home at the age of 22. Neil wasn’t comfortable speaking about his military service as was the case with many who served. He said that he had been instructed, by the military, not to discuss war events.
Neil was proud to call Morden home. He married Dorothy Brown 27 June 1947 and they were blessed with 3 children, Sharon, Lorraine and Douglas. He used his war bonds to build their first home. Neil loved his family unconditionally and he had a strong faith in God.
His first job, after returning from England, was driving truck for Morden Transfer. He then purchased his own truck and used it for hauling gravel. Neil got into mail delivery and built his business into a fleet of 30 trucks and 50 employees, delivering mail from Vancouver to Toronto plus many provincial routes.
Neil and his son Douglas owned a snowmobile shop in Morden and this gave them the opportunity to enter many snowmobile races. In January, 1973 they both entered a 3 day race from Winnipeg to St. Paul, Minnesota. Neil finished 10th in a field that included more than 350 riders. He was the second Canadian to cross the finish line, a great accomplishment.
Neil had a passion for horses particularly Arabians and he had one named Lad. His love of horses and riding was well known around Morden and a local RCMP officer asked if he would like to participate in the Commemorative March West and because of his experience, take on the position of trail boss. At the age of 75 he participated in the ride from Emerson, Manitoba to Fort McLeod, Alberta. He was sworn in as an Honorary North West Mounted Police Officer for the duration of the ride. The ride was 1500 KM and lasting from 03 May till 03 July and Neil was the only rider to ride every day from start to finish.
In 2005, Neil had the thrill of returning to Holland for the 60th anniversary celebration of the Canadian led liberation of Holland. He participated in various events honouring Canadian veterans and said that marching in the Grande Finale Parade in Apeldoorn was one of the most fulfilling moments of his life.
Neil worked hard for more than 50 years to strengthen the Morden Pentecostal Church. He spoke of his faith and God’s love to his friends and strangers at every opportunity. He lived what he believed and practiced what he preached. His wife Dorothy, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are very proud of his accomplishments.
Neil Penner arrived in heaven 11 June 2006 and is buried at Chapel Cemetery, Morden

Flight Sergeant Jacob A. Peters
Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp
1939-45 War Medal
Royal Canadian Airforce
415 Squadron
Jake was born in Kronsgart, Manitoba 24 May 1923, the eldest of fourteen children, Pete, Sue, Bill, John, Mary, Ann, Henry, Tina, Abe, Fred, Cornie, Ben & Trudy born to Jacob and Susan (Unrau) Peters. He attended Kronsgart School and after leaving school he worked as a farm labourer in the Winkler, La Riviere, Springfield and Pilot Mound areas.
Jake joined the Royal Canadian Air Force in 1943. He took his training in Edmonton, Alberta, Regina, Saskatchewan, Mount Joli and Trois-Rivieres Quebec. He received his wings as an Air Gunner, going overseas in July 1944. Jake served with 415 Squadron and arrived in England as the Squadron was being transferred to No. 6 (RCAF) Group of Bomber Command. They assumed a Heavy Bomber role and were equipped with the Halifax at the same time. The Squadron regularly attacked strategic and tactical objectives across the Western Front for the remainder of the war. He was repatriated in February of 1946 on the Liner Queen Elizabeth. Jake received his discharge in March of 1946 with the Rank of Flight Sergeant.
On 08 June 1947, he married Nettie Martens, daughter of Cornelius and Helena Martens. They made their home in the Morden area where they were blessed with eight children, four boys and four girls, Ron, Marlene, Shirley, Albert, Raymond, Norman, Lorraine & Joan.
Jake was very involved with activities at St. Paul’s United Church Morden, serving on the board of Stewards and as an Elder on the Session and on the Parish Board. He was the secretary treasurer of the Sunday school at St. Paul’s United Church for a number of years. He worked at the Research Station for approximately thirty years. Jake was also a member of the Royal Canadian Legion Branch #11 in Morden.
Jake very much enjoyed gardening and tending to his many apple trees. He would take his grandchildren for walks through the garden sampling the many vegetables he grew. Jake loved to play games with his children and grandchildren and watch them playing baseball on the yard.
Jake was a kind gentle man who never raised his voice (with the exception of escaped cattle) and loved his family more than anything. There was nothing better than walking into the house and seeing his face light up at the sight of one of his grandchildren. He loved to spend time with all of them and was never too busy to do so. Jake had an infectious smile and a genuine laugh. His family adored him and loved to spend time with him even if it was just going for a walk. Jake and Nettie were married for 56 years. Jacob and Nettie had in addition to their eight children, 4 sons-in-law, 3 daughters-in-law, 17 grandchildren and 23 great grandchildren
Jacob A. Peters passed away 17 July 2003 and is buried at Hillside cemetery, Morden, Manitoba.
Information provided by the Family and from 415 (Swordfish) Squadron history.

Sergeant Myrtle Elizabeth (Spencer) Petersen
Royal Canadian Air Force
Myrtle Elizabeth (Spencer) Petersen was born 29 January 1912 at the home of her parents, Earnest and Amanda (McDowell) Spencer at Dunston within the Rural Municipality (RM) of Stanley, 8 miles north-west of Morden, Manitoba. Her parents were homesteaders from Ontario. Myrtle was the 5th of 10 children, Mildred 1898-1985, Baden Herbert 1900-1963, Sterling 1900-1971, Cora 1903-1991, Orval 1914-1992, Velma 1915-1978, Helen Irene 1918-1990, Ralph Ernest 1920-1944 and Mervin 1924-1998. Myrtle was not the first in her family to serve her country, her father Earnest was a Sergeant with the Lisgar Rifles of Kemptville, Ontario. Her brother Baden enlisted during WW I, 06 February 1917 with the Royal Winnipeg Rifles, Ralph served with the Royal Winnipeg Rifles in WW II and was killed at Juno Beach 06 June 1944 and Sterling also served in WW II with the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps, enlisting 16 March 1942.
Myrtle attended Lloyd George School in the RM of Thompson, a short distance from the family farm and later boarded in Morden, Manitoba to complete her education.
Following school Myrtle went to Ernfold, Saskatchewan and became postmistress there. Ernfold, 173 km west of Regina had a population of 300 at one point and was a full service village on the Canadian Pacific Railroad line at that time.
On 02 July 1941 Canada’s Governor General authorized the creation of a component in the Air Force for women, later known as the Royal Canadian Air Force Women’s Division, RCAF (WD). Their function would be to release male military personnel, who were presently employed as administrators, clerks, cooks, transport drivers, equipment assistants and telephone operators making them available for combat roles. Prior to this women had only been allowed to serve in medical or nursing capacities. Before wars end, 69 of the RCAF’s 102 trades were opened to women. Recruiting standards were, at least a high school entrance standing, be able to pass a trade test, be of “good character”, 21 to 41 years old, single or if married could have no children under her care. Women holding civil service positions and those with dependent children were ineligible. Myrtle and her brothers Ralph and Sterling, like many young people signed up. Myrtle’s initial training took place in Toronto, Ontario and she served her entire time in the province of Ontario. By the time she was demobilized, at war’s end, Myrtle had attained the rank of Sergeant. Although it is unknown if she was awarded medals for her service, personnel in similar roles and service as above were awarded medals as follows, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and the 1939-45 War Medal.
Myrtle returned to the Spencer family homestead and soon after met Alfred Petersen who also resided in the RM of Stanley, 3.5 miles north-west of Morden. Myrtle and Al were married 01 October 1947 in Winnipeg. They settled on the Petersen family farm and Myrtle did all the
accounting for the farm. Myrtle and Al felt blessed by the birth of their son Gregory and together they worked the farm and raised their son.
Myrtle was very involved in her community. She helped with the administrative responsibilities of the Dunston Community Church and was the superintendent of the Sunday school. She played a key role in establishing the Morden Museum, now known as the Canadian Fossil Discovery Centre (CFDC) which displays some of her father’s artifacts. Some of the Spencer homestead land, Myrtles childhood home, is still being used by the CFDC as an ongoing dig site. Myrtles contribution to her family, community and country continue to be admired.
Myrtle Elizabeth (Spencer) Petersen died 02 February 1982 and is buried at Hillside Cemetery, Morden, Manitoba.
Information from family and on the Royal Canadian Air Force (Women’s Division) from The Canadian Encyclopedia.

Staff Sergeant Charlie C. Quane
Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, 1939-45 War Medal
XII Manitoba Dragoons, Canadian Armoured Corps
18th Armoured Car Regiment
Charlie C. Quane (“Chuck”), born 09 September 1919 in Melita, Manitoba, was one of three brothers who served in the Second World War. While his older brothers served in the Royal Canadian Air Force and Merchant Marine, Charlie volunteered and enlisted with the 18th Reconnaissance Battalion in May 1941, and was eventually assigned to the XII Manitoba Dragoons. Charlie trained in the Brandon area and became a Corporal prior to departure for England in August of 1942. In England, he was stationed with the XII Manitoba Dragoons in Bramley, a small village in the county of Surrey, south of London, along with other units of the Canadian Army, training to defending England from a possible invasion. In March 1943, he returned to Canada and was posted to Dundurn, Saskatchewan where he trained Canadian troops in driving and maintaining military vehicles in preparation for their eventual role in the D-Day landing and subsequent liberation of Europe. In December 1944, he was promoted to Staff Sergeant and posted to Camp Borden, Ontario as an instructor. At war’s end, he was moved to the General Motors plant in London, Ontario to oversee the refurbishment of army vehicles being sent over to Europe for evacuation use.
After an honourable discharge from the Canadian Army in January of 1946, he returned to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan to resume civilian life and rejoin his sweetheart, Marjorie Larsen whom he had met at the Bessborough Hotel in Saskatoon while stationed at Dundurn, Saskatchewan. They were married in Saskatoon on 28 September 1946. While living in Saskatoon, he trained as a baker, working at the National System of Baking. In 1948, Charlie and Marjorie purchased a bakery and cafe in Morden from Al “Pop” Burgess at 320 Stephen Street and 325 North Railway Street. They operated “Quane’s Bakery and Foodbar” at the locations until approximately 1964, when Charlie ceased baking and joined the Manitoba Highways Branch. He worked for Manitoba Highways until his death on 18 December 1981, in Morden.
Charlie was a long time member of the Morden Legion, an avid curler and golfer, and one of the volunteer builders of the original 9-hole Minnewasta golf course in 1962. Charlie and Marjorie raised two sons in Morden, Ross and Charles, and are now survived by them along with grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Information submitted by Ross and Charles Quane

France and Germany Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, War Medal 1939-45, United Nations Emergency Force Medal, Canadian Forces Decoration (CD)
Canadian Armoured Corps – Canadian Grenadier Guards
Royal Canadian Army Service Corps
Canadian Forces Logistics Branch
WW II and Post War Service
Ian Urquhart was born on the family farm, north of Roland, Manitoba on 25 January 1926 to Charles and Elizabeth (Bain) Urquhart. He was the young brother to David Smith Urquhart and to a sister who died in infancy. He was 4 years old when his father died from Tuberculosis after being gassed in WW I, so he grew up without his father. Ian was described as a typical rural kid. He was raised on the family farm where farm chores was common activity and he could turn his hand at any project. He was a sought after goalie and was invited to play for Winnipeg. Cards, dances and family get togethers were the way time was passed within the community. Ian was very congenial and easy to get along with. He participated in a school play and thereafter was known as “Tony” to all his friends. Ian drove an Indian motorcycle, it could be heard around town and he kept it shone up to pick up Grace McLaren, the girl of his dreams, for the local Saturday night dances. After school he worked for a local farmer so he knew the value of a hard days’ work. Ian lived the way most kids did in the 20’s and 30’s, work hard and play hard after the work is done.
Ian was only 16 when his brother David was listed as missing in action 23 December 1942, and 28 June 1944, a few months after his 18th birthday, Ian enlisted in the 22nd Armoured Regiment (The Canadian Grenadier Guards) of the Canadian Armoured Corps in Winnipeg, Manitoba. He served in Canada, the United Kingdom and continental Europe. After the European hostilities ended Ian was returned to Canada to prepare for the Pacific Theatre. Japan however surrendered 02 September 1945 and preparations for the Pacific Theatre were discontinued. The Japanese surrender terminated WW II and the demobilization of military personnel began. Ian was eventually released 16 April 1946.
Ian returned to Roland with a goal to farm. Unfortunately the land he selected was deemed not suitable by the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA). He became a farmer’s hired man until he took a butchering course and worked in the local butcher shop. He married his high school sweetheart, Grace McLaren, 25 December 1945. They had 4 children. Patricia Lynn, Laura Elizabeth, Enid Marlene and David Arthur Charles. The family moved to Vancouver, British Columbia in 1952 where he worked as a milkman.
Ian re-enlisted in the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps 11 January 1954, which became the Logistics Branch of the Canadian Armed Forces in 1967. He received his training and was qualified as a Cook in September of that year and served in that capacity until Honourably Discharged 20 July 1969. During his second stint in the military Ian served in Canada, Continental Europe and also as a Peacekeeper in Cyprus and Egypt.
Following his retirement from the Canadian Armed Forces, Ian served as a cook with Crawley McCracken during construction of the Kettle (1970), Long Spruce (1977) and Jenpeg hydroelectric dams on the Nelson River in Northern Manitoba until his retirement from this company.
Charles Arthur Ian Urquhart died of a massive heart attack 22 January 1991, just 3 days short of his 65th birthday. He is buried in Fairview Cemetery Roland, Manitoba, next to his Mother, Father and Memorial Headstone to his brother.

Private Cornelius Unrau
1939-45 War Medal
Canadian Infantry Corps
Cornelius Unrau was born 14 August 1923 at Horndean, Manitoba to Jacob A. (1896-1967) and Mary (1900-1976) (Wiebe) Unrau. He attended school in Winkler, Manitoba until 1937 when he went to work as a farm labourer at various farms in southern Manitoba. He worked at the C. Kehler farm at Kane, Manitoba for 18 months prior to enlistment. Cornelius was the second of 13 children in the Unrau family, Mary 1921, Cornelius, Elizabeth 1925, Katherina 1927, Abram 1928, Sara 1929, Margaret 1931, Jacob 1932, Helen 1935, Esther 1936, William 1939, Annie 1942, and Judy 1947.
Cornelius enlisted in the Canadian Army 19 June 1944 at Winnipeg, Manitoba and commenced training at Fort Garry, Manitoba and remained there until transferred to Shilo on 17 September 1944. He was a fully trained soldier for the Canadian Infantry Corps by years end but remained in Canada and was employed at Shilo, general duties, until released 03 October 1946.
Cornelius began working for the Manitoba Department of Highways in 1950 and remained there until retiring as a Supervisor, he was 63. He married Evelyn Unger on 30 August 1953 at the EMMC (Rudnerweide Church) in Altona, Manitoba. They had 5 children, Larry 1954, Leona (Rachul) 1955, Daryl 1960, Ronald 1962, Denise (Thiessen) 1972. Cornelius was a patient, loving and hardworking man; there was always time for family get togethers and games around the kitchen table. He had to keep busy; when he wasn’t renovating the house he was tinkering in the garage but was always willing to lend a hand with whatever his kids were doing. He loved his music and many evenings were spent with him strumming tunes on the guitar or playing the piano/organ. He was always looking for a new instrument to play or buy.
Camping and fishing were a great past time for Cornelius. He had a cottage at Rock Lake where many hours were spent on the water, he loved to fish. He loved hockey – never missed a game especially when his grandkids were playing.
Cornelius loved to tell stories like when he was younger and he had a Harley. It was his only way to get around in the winter and as the roads were not plowed, he had a chain around the back tire; he was able to ride over snow banks and not get stuck. The first home Cornelius and Evelyn bought was in Morden on Mountain Street and then they bought a home on Nelson Street where they raised their kids. He often told stories about the community, like when Lake Minnewasta was built and the history here and the stories that went along with it.
Cornelius Unrau died 30 October 2014 and is buried at South Side Cemetery, Morden Manitoba.
Information supplied by family and Library and Archives Canada.

Driver Charles URQUHART Sr.
British War Medal 1914-1918, Victory Medal 1914-1918
Lovat Scouts, Langan, Inverness-shire, Scotland 1907-1910
Canadian Army Service Corps
Charles Urquhart was born in Lochlagen, Invernesshire, Scotland 20 October 1890 to David and Christina (Smith) Urquhart. He had 4 brothers (Donald, John, Alexander and James) and 2 sisters (Colina and Christina). Before coming to Canada in 1912, he had been a member of a famous body of men, Lord Lovat’s Scouts, Imperial Yeomanry 1907 – 1910. He was a fearless rider and acted as a galloper to the officer commanding. A keen naturalist, he was well versed in bird and animal lore, was fond of sport and was known as a skillful exponent of rod and gun. His intimates knew him also as a poet of no mean ability: he had written some touching lines, mostly bearing on the hills, lochs and streams of his native Scotland that he loved so well.
Up until the time he volunteered for service he farmed at Roland, Manitoba with his brother in law, A.J. Epps.
He enlisted in the Canadian Army Service Corps (CASC) 13 March 1917, trained in Canada and arrived in England on S/S “Scotia” 06 February 1918 and was sent to France 23 June 1918. The main duty of the CASC in France centered on the transportation and supply of food, forage, ammunition, equipment, clothing and engineering material and stores. Corps personnel also repaired motor vehicles and each division had an ambulance repair workshop. While in France as a member of the CASC, Charles did suffer gassing while in the trenches. On 09 November 1918, just before the end of the war, he was transferred to the CASC 3rd Division Train and then to the 4th Division Train on 26 February 1919 where he served until repatriated. He was given leave in France and then posted to England from where he departed for Canada on the S/S “Olympic” 06 June 1919. Charles was discharged from Military District 10, Winnipeg, 17 June 1919.
On return from the war, in 1919, he started farming for himself south of Homewood, Manitoba where he carried on until his “illness” overtook him.
Charles married Elizabeth Bain from Newtonmore, Invernesshire, Scotland 27 May 1920. They had 2 sons, David Smith and Charles Arthur Ian (called Ian). Charles developed pleurisy right after he returned from the War and it was thought this had occurred because his lungs had been weakened from the gassing. Charles was a man of excellent physique and had never known ill health until he was admitted to the Ninette, Manitoba Sanatorium for treatment of Lung trouble. Charles Urquhart Sr. died 16 days later, 20 May 1929, he was 39. He is buried in the Fairview Cemetery at Roland, Manitoba next to the grave of his father. Charles Urquhart Sr. is listed on the Roland, Manitoba Cenotaph.

1939 – 1945 Star, Air Crew Europe Star, Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) with Clasp and Bomber Command Bar, 1939-45 War Medal
Royal Canadian Air Force
425 (Alouette) Squadron
David Smith Urquhart was born 27 August 1921 on the family farm, north of Roland, Manitoba to Charles and Elizabeth (Bain) Urquhart. He was a big brother Charles Arthur Ian, called Ian, and a sister who died in infancy. David was raised on the farm and was described as a typical rural kid. Riding horses and shooting skunks and crows was a common activity. He was described as artistic, as demonstrated through his watercolour paintings and short poems he loved to write. He was an academic as he finished grade 11 before enlisting in the Royal Canadian Air Force. David was athletic, as he swam in the creek in the summer and played hockey with the Roland hockey team in the winter. He was very congenial and easy to get along with. He always had his car shone up to pick up Thelma Patterson, the girl of his dreams, for the local Saturday night dances. They were engaged to be married before he went overseas. After school he worked for a local farmer so he knew the value of a hard days’ work. David lived the way most kids did in the 20s’ and 30s’, work hard and play hard after the work is done.
David enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force on 14 July 1941 at Winnipeg, Manitoba. He trained as an Air Gunner and embarked for the U.K. 19 February 1942. He was posted to 425 (Alouette) Squadron, a bomber squadron at Dishforth Yorks, 13 April 1942 and promoted to Flight Sergeant 12 September. On 06 December 1942, his aircrew left Dishforth Yorks, in a Wellington bomber, “KW-G”, for a bombing raid on Mannheim, Germany. At 0020 hrs, 07 December, while on return to base, an S.O.S. was received as they flew over the Bay of Biscay. Nothing further was heard of “KW-G” and on 23 December 1942 the crew was presumed dead. The full crew, WO2 J. Cachia, P/O G.E. Cronk RCAF (USA), P/O R. Hayes RCAF (USA), P/O J.D.J. Rodger and F/S D.S. Urquhart, is named on the Runnymede Memorial in Surrey, England as they have no known grave.
In the summer of 2015 the Wellington III Bomber BJ675 “KW-G” was found buried in a wooded area near Langonnet, France. No bodies or parachutes were found and the plane was out of fuel. It is believe the crew abandoned the aircraft over the Bay of Biscay, parachuted into the bay and drowned. The plane, on its own, continued to fly until it ran out of fuel and crashed.
A memorial service for the crew was held in Langonnet, France 07 May 2016. The cairn features a picture of the Wellington bomber along with David and his crew mates.
David Smith Urquhart was 21 when he died in 1942 and he is commemorated on the Roland, Manitoba War Memorial and Page 121 of the Second World War Book of Remembrance in Ottawa. Urquhart Lake, in the north-west corner of Manitoba is named for him.

Private Lawrence Walter Sager
1939-1945 Star, Italy Star, France and Germany Star
Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, 1939-45 War Medal
Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry
Lawrence Walter Sager was born in Sterko, Alberta 16 February 1924, the oldest of 6 children, born to Ralph and Martha (Jaeger) Sager. He had 2 sisters, Gladys (Bonar) and Evelyn (Odwazny) as well as 3 brothers, Donald, Gordon and Howard. Shortly after his birth his parents moved to the Thornhill Morden District where Lawrence was raised and educated.
On 11 November 1942, at the age of 18, Lawrence enlisted in the wartime Canadian Forces and became a member of the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry (PPCLI). After completion of basic training Lawrence was sent for advanced training and qualified as a driver. After his training he was sent to Italy and remained there with the PPCLI until 16 March 1945 when the regiment was transferred to France, arriving 18 March 1945. After the war he said to one of his brothers that he had walked the whole length of Italy, being in the infantry and considering the length of the campaign, it is entirely possible. According to his Soldiers Service Book, Lawrence was repatriated in June 1945.
Following the war he spent a short time at the home farm before heading to the mines and worked as a Diamond Driller in Northern Canada and Ireland. He lived in Sudbury, Ontario for approximately 20 years during which he married Millie Lafreniere, a girl from Esponola Bay, Ontario and they eventually settled in Espanola, Ontario. They had two children, Richard who lives in Sudbury, Ontario and Carole (Rawnyk) in Chelmsford, Ontario.
Lawrence Walter Sager died 09 May 1982 at the Espanola General Hospital. A memorial service was held on Friday, 21 May 1982 at Wiebe’s Funeral Chapel followed by Ash Internment beside his mother and father at Hillside Cemetery in Morden, Manitoba

Private Edger William Sandercock
1939 – 1945 Star, Italy Star, France and Germany Star, Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp
Royal Canadian Army Service Corp
Edger was born eldest son to William and Emma (Boulton) Sandercock on 17 October 1916. He had 8 siblings, Mel, Bert, Marion (Patterson), Doug, Velma (Keith), Garry, Walter and Mavis (Cram). They grew up on the family farm in the Dunston area north west of Morden. Edger enjoyed driving the horses on the farm as well as playing baseball and hockey.
Edger enlisted 12 February 1942 in Winnipeg, Royal Canadian Army Service Corp (RCASC), and took his training as a Driver Mechanic in Red Deer, Alberta. The RCASC provided support to Canadian Soldiers wherever they went; training in Canada and Great Britain, the campaign in north-west Europe (Normandy) and the campaign in Italy. The RCASC moved supplies from the rear areas to the battle zone and wounded from the front lines to rear areas for medical attention. They delivered all rations, ammunition, petroleum products, and all other necessary equipment. They did so with a variety of vehicles ranging from 3 ton to 10 ton lorries (trucks) and 40 ton tank transporters, often under enemy fire. Edger’s first overseas posting was the UK. This was his first trip on an ocean vessel and the large troop transport was under constant threat from German U-boats. Not easy for a small town farm boy. Upon arrival they were billeted on a large English Estate. Many Family Estates were given to house Canadian soldiers and Edger recalled the many family portraits on the wood panelled walls and grand staircase. Edger’s duties included driving large lorries in convoys and ambulance trucks at the front lines, often under enemy fire. On one occasion he had all four tires shot out on his ambulance but kept driving to get his patients to a safe location.
After 43 months of service Edger was repatriated and released from the service. He purchased his farm from his Aunt with the help of a loan from the Veterans Land Act (VLA), the farm is located just north of Morden. He married Betty Knox shortly after, July 1949 and together they ran a very successful mixed farm. They had 2 children, Mark and Lynn. Edger and Betty were involved in 4H, the Morden Curling Club, the Morden United Church, the Royal Canadian Legion and numerous other groups.
Edger took special pride in marching on Remembrance Day and was always very proud of his service, sharing stories and history with his grandchildren. For many years after the war, their Corp held a reunion at the farm of Eddie Orchard in Miami, MB. They had a bond that lasted a life time.
Private Edger William Sandercock passed away 03 August 2012 and is buried at the Dunston Cemetery.
Information from family, Royal Canadian Army Service Corp history and Wikipedia.

Gunner Wilbert “Roy” Seymour
1939-1945 Star, Italy Star, France and Germany Star, Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp
1939-45 War Medal
Manitoba Mounted Rifles
Royal Canadian Artillery
47th Light Anti-Aircraft Battery
Roy Seymour was born 09 April 1914 and raised in the district of Manitou. His parents were Lawrence and Ellen (Crane) Seymour. Roy was active in 4-H and attended Manitou school. In 1941 he married Beatrice Collins of the Darlingford district. They lived in Winnipeg and Roy worked at the Cordite Plant in Transcona. While working, he was a member of the Manitoba Mounted Rifles, a reserve unit, from July 1940 to March 1941.
Roy enlisted in the regular force 16 July 1942, training with the Royal Canadian Artillery in Portage la Prairie and Shilo before proceeding to England in December 1942. Upon completing his workup training in England he participated in the Italian campaign from November 1943 until January 1945 when the Regiment was sent to France by ship and then overland to Belgium and then Holland. Roy was a Gunner with the 47th Light Anti-Aircraft Battery a unit of the 5th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment. He was a member of a 40mm Bofors Anti-Aircraft Gun Crew and was also a driver when equipment was moved between locations. His Battery arrived in the Netherlands in March 1945 and was there until hostilities ceased. Roy was repatriated in December 1945 and discharged in January 1946.
Upon return from the war, he farmed in the Orangehill district until 1979. He helped raise three sons, Larry, Ron, and Murray. He joined the Royal Canadian Legion, Morden Branch after the war and supported various activities of the Branch, be it the annual Legion Bonspiel, selling poppies, calling Bingo, or participating in events. Roy really enjoyed the Thursday night Bingo and the opportunity to socialize with all his friends.
Upon his retirement, Bea and Roy would spend their winters as snowbirds in McAllen, Texas. They also enjoyed their summers amidst the calmness and serenity of their cottage at Pelican Lake. In his later years, he and Bea were residents of Legion House One were Roy continued to be active with the Legion and willing to accept any challenge of a game of pool from his fellow members.
Wilbert Roy Seymour passed away 16 April 2008 and is buried at the Darlingford Cemetery.
Information submitted by Lieutenant Commander Lee Seymour of the Royal Canadian Navy, the Seymour family and from WW II Divisional and Regimental records.

Sergeant Chester Samuel (Sam) Southworth
1939-1945 Star, Italy Star, France and Germany Star, Defence Medal Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp
1939-45 War Medal
Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry WW II
Sam Southworth was born 28 October 1922 in the Darlingford district, the third of four children of Edwin Southworth, a veteran of WWI, and Gladys Willmott Andrew. Sam grew up on the home farm until he was 13, when the family moved to Morden. He ended his schooling then, working for several families, and delivering the Winnipeg Tribune. He sawed, chopped, and stacked 10 cords of wood to earn money for a new Boy Scout uniform to wear when the Morden Troop met the King and Queen in Winnipeg in 1939.
On 29 April 1940 Sam enlisted with the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry in Winnipeg, lying about his age as he was only 17. Training was at Fort Osborne Barracks, before shipping out to England later that spring. His battalion was posted to southern England until 1943, when they moved to Scotland to train as an invasion force. Sam trained in parachute landings, but as a married man, was not allowed to continue. Catherine (Kit) Jackson, from Crawcrook, County Durham, England, married Sam on 14 February 1942.
With 1st Division, 2nd Brigade Sam took part in the invasion of Sicily on 10 July 1943, and later battles, including Leonforte, as a Bren gunner. Sam was wounded four times, including a stomach wound at ‘Vino Ridge’, outside of Ortona, on 12 December 1943, when he was evacuated to North Africa for medical treatment, rejoining his unit in March 1944. He saw action in all major PPCLI battles throughout Italy (Gothic Line, Hitler Line, the Rivers) as well as the Liberation of Holland.
Sam arrived home in Morden 10 June 1945 and was discharged in Winnipeg on 18 July, with the rank of Sergeant. Kit joined him as one of 60,000 War Brides who came to Canada, arriving 24 August 1945. In 1946 they took over the family farm until April 1952, when they moved to Morden. Sam began work for the Dominion Experimental Farm, looking after the cattle. When cattle research was consolidated in Ottawa, he became a self-taught carpenter, eventually achieving journeyman status, continuing to work at the Research Station until his retirement in December 1984.
Sam was a leader of many volunteer activities. He held the post of District Coordinator of the Emergency Measures Organization for many years, with Kit as Secretary. As coordinator, Sam lead the annual fight against the flooding of the Dead Horse Creek, often commenting wryly on the wisdom of building the then hospital at the low end of town, with a ramp down to the emergency entrance! He was also part of the volunteer Fire Department for several years, including the year he fought a fire at his own home.
Sam’s love of sports was legendary; he refereed minor hockey, but was best known as an umpire, logging thousands of hours around the province. He was known for his honesty, even when one team was from Morden, and until the end of his life, was often approached and asked if he was ‘Crooked Sam’ the ump. He was instrumental in bringing Little League Baseball to Manitoba and was honoured for his efforts. When there were no organized teams for his daughters to play on, Sam helped start a girls’ softball league.
His involvement with the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 11 began as soon as Sam returned from duty. He served in various posts, including Branch President and Zone Commander. He was a long-standing Sergeant-at-Arms of the Colour Party, but is perhaps best remembered as the Sports Convenor, organizing countless bonspiels, golf tournaments, darts and shuffleboard leagues, and youth sports for many years. Sam also served on the Board of Legion House One. He was awarded a Life Membership in recognition of his dedication.
Kit and Sam were married for 50 years, and had three daughters: Lynn, Dale, and Kelly. Kit passed away in August 1992, and Sam died on 11 March 2001. Though there are no longer Southworths in Morden, Sam’s many contributions to his community helped make Morden the city it is today.

Leading Seaman Robert Rodney Spence
Royal Canadian Navy
Canadian Armed Forces
Robert (Bob) Rodney Spence was born 05 November 1944 in Belfast, Ireland to Robert and Elisabeth (Dickson) Spence. He had 2 younger brothers, Colin also born in Ireland and William (Bill) who was born in Canada. The Spence family immigrated to Canada in December 1950 and travelled by train from Halifax to Vancouver. On arrival in Winnipeg, en-route to Vancouver, the sun was shining brightly, like it often does on a Manitoba winter day, so the family got off the train to enjoy the sunshine. They had never experienced such cold and their jaunt lasted about 2 minutes before they got back on the train.
Bob was raised and educated in Richmond, British Columbia and left school after completing grade 10. In 1963 he enrolled in the Royal Canadian Navy under the Apprenticeship Program. Under this program he committed to 3 years of training as a Marine Engineering Mechanic (Stoker) and then a further 4 years of service. He did the majority of his training at HMCS (Her Majesty’s Canadian Station) Naden in Esquimalt, BC. He finished the course with a 6 month apprenticeship on the HMCS (Her Majesty’s Canadian Ship) Qu’Appelle and a promotion to Leading Seaman (LS). He was next posted to HMCS Annapolis and while serving on her, they had the distinction of being the first RCN ship to visit Aalborg, Denmark after WW II.
LS Spence was seeking adventure and when an opportunity presented itself he took a transfer to the east coast, HMCS Stadacona in Halifax, NS. Shortly after arriving at Stadacona Bob attended a dance and met Alice Louise Herron who was also in the service. They dated a short time and were married 06 September 1967. They had 3 children, Jeffery Bruce 1968, Robert Ryan 1972 (deceased 08 February 2019), and Kelly Kristin 1974. From 1968 until 1970 LS Spence served on HMCS Annapolis and HMCS Bonaventure, Canada’s last aircraft carrier. He had agreed to 7 years and as his release date approached he finished his High School and got his Machinist License (NS) prior to release.
Upon Bob’s release from the Navy the Spence family moved to Thompson, MB where Bob had accepted a position as a Mechanic at the refinery. While there Bob challenged the Industrial Mechanic (Millwright) exam, passed and got his license. After approximately one year the Spence family moved to Gillam where Bob worked for Manitoba Hydro, repair and maintenance on power generating turbines. After a year in Gillam, the family moved to Prince Rupert, BC where Bob took the position of Millwright at a paper mill. Twelve months later they were on the move again, back to The Pas, Manitoba. Bob started as a Millwright in 1973 and retired as the Maintenance Superintendent.
Bob and Alice moved to Morden in 2007 after his retirement. Bob spends time curling, golfing and walking his dog. He and Alice are members of the Royal Canadian Legion in Morden.

Private Baden Herbert Spencer
190th Overseas Battalion
Royal Winnipeg Rifles (Little Black Devils)
06 May 1900 – 03 April 1963
Baden Herbert Spencer was born on 06 May 1900, in Morden Manitoba. He was the second of ten children of Earnest and Amanda Minetta (McDowell) Spencer, homesteaders from Ontario. Earnest had been a sergeant in the Lisgar Rifles of Kemptville, Ontario. Baden had 4 brothers, Sterling 1901-1971 (served with the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps WW II), Orval 1914-1992, Ralph 1920 (was killed at Juno Beach 06 June 1944 rank Corporal), Mervin 1924-1998 and 5 sisters, Mildred 1898-1985, Cora 1903-1991, Myrtle 1912-1982 (served in the Royal Canadian Air Force WW II, rank Sergeant), Velma 1915-1978, and Helen Irene 1918-1990. Baden attended Lloyd George School and after obtaining a grade five education, quit school to work on the family farm with his father on the northeast quarter 32-3-6 of Stanley Municipality, now known as the “Spencer Mountain”.
On 06 February 1917, Baden enlisted in the Royal Winnipeg Rifles (also known as The Little Black Devils) 190th Overseas Battalion and was sent overseas. He served three months in France before his mother informed the army that her son was underage and he was discharged and sent home. It is unknown if Baden was awarded medals for his service. If they were awarded it would have been the British War Medal and the Victory Medal . On 24 December 1923 Baden married Edith Brinkworth from Roche Percee, Saskatchewan. They farmed south of Miami, Manitoba where their children Lyle Alexander (1926) and Leona Yvonne (1932) where born.
After farming several years, Baden and the family left the farm and he started working in construction, ending up as foreman of the Bentonite Mine (then situated on his parents farm). In 1946 Baden was stricken with Multiple Sclerosis, but continued to work even though he had to use crutches or a cane. In the late 1950’s he was diagnosed as having cancer. He had pre-arranged that his cornea would be donated at his death, and this wish was carried out. Baden, before his MS, was a hardworking man, full of fun, loved to dance, play cards and drink a beer.
Baden Herbert Spenser died 03 April 1963 and is buried at Hillside Cemetery, Morden, MB.
Information supplied by family.

Corporal Ralph Earnest Spencer
France and Germany Star, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, 1939 – 45 War Medal
Royal Winnipeg Rifles
Royal Canadian Infantry Corps
Ralph was born 10 December 1920 and spent his whole life on the farm until joining the army in 1940.
The Royal Winnipeg Rifles were in the first wave that went ashore at Juno Beach on 06 June 1944, “D Day”. Ralph did not survive the day.
Ralph Ernest Spencer died 06 June 1944 and is buried at Beny-Sur-Mer Canadian War Cemetery, Reviers, France and his grave number is 11.F.3. Ralph is listed in the World War II Book of Remembrance in Ottawa, page 449.

Corporal Carter James (CJ) Thiessen
Southwest Asia Campaign Star
Combat Engineer
Carter (CJ) was born 26 October 1990 in Morden, Manitoba to Andy and Tami Thiessen, brother to Brodie. CJ loved all things social. Even as a kindergarten student, he would walk into the classroom and you could hear a collective “CJ’s here!” He was involved in various sports throughout his childhood, but his favorite was hockey and remains a sport he enjoys playing to this day. As a child he often talked about joining the army, but it wasn’t until his last couple of years of high school that it became his purpose. At that time his father, Andy, was the Fire Chief in Morden. Carter was met with reservations from his parents about his future in the Army. He explained that, like his father becoming a firefighter in order to help people, that’s what joining the army meant to him.
Carter applied to the Canadian Armed Forces in the spring of 2008 and shortly after was offered a position to train as a Combat Engineer. He left home immediately following his high school graduation at the young age of 17. It wasn’t until 2 years later that he even needed to shave.
Carter did not come from a family with a military background so this was a difficult transition for his parents and grandparents. However, after the initial shock wore off, the pride took over. What helped immensely was the support of their local church family and many friends and relatives that prayed continuously for CJ’s safety. This became very important once he was chosen to serve in Afghanistan. Before CJ left for basic training, he got a tattoo on his arm with his favorite and most meaningful bible verse …” I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.” Philippians 4:13
Carter joined the Canadian Armed Forces in July 2008. He did his basic training in St. Jean, Quebec and was then stationed in Gagetown, New Brunswick. He immediately started training as a Combat Engineer and within 2 years was chosen to serve in Afghanistan as part of Canada’s last combat rotation in the Middle East. Carter was deployed to Kandahar, Afghanistan in 2010, to join the Royal 22nd Regiment (Van Doos) Battlegroup in the provinces Panjwaii District. The regiment was known for its offensive fighting tactics and taking Taliban strongholds. Carter’s primary role as a Combat Engineer was to allow friendly troops to live, move and fight on the battlefield and deny that to the enemy. This involved clearing paths and roadways of IED’s (Improvised Explosive Devices) in Taliban territory to allow the Battlegroup to advance freely and safely along the battlefield. Engineers, first in and last out of any combat situation.
When Carter returned from Afghanistan, he continued his education with the military and went on to achieve the position of Combat Diver, after completing a 2-week gruelling selection process. He finished his 5-year military career working as a Diver and EOD Operator II at the rank of Corporal.
Carter has since gone on to follow in his Father’s footsteps and has become a Firefighter/Paramedic with the Brandon Emergency Services (EMS).

Trooper Don W. Thompson
1939-1945 Star, France and Germany Star, Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal and Clasp (CVSM), 1939-45 War Medal
The Fort Garry Horse
18 December 1915 – 28 September 2004
Don Thompson was born 18 December 1915 to William and Dorothy Thompson in Morden, Manitoba. They lived on the farm at 22 – 2 – 6 adjacent to what is now Stanley Park. Don farmed with his Dad until enlisting in the Army, The Fort Garry Horse, in 1941. The Fort Garry Horse is an Armoured Regiment and initial training was done in Borden, Ontario on the American 6 Ton M1917 Machines that had been built in 1918 and kept in storage at Rock Island Arsenal in the USA. As a driver/mechanic Don received this training before being shipped to England.
In England the Regiment continued training on the American M3 Lee and British Valentine tanks and also the Canadian developed Ram tank and in 1943 were issued the American Sherman tank, far superior to anything they had trained with. The Fort Garry Horse became part of the 2nd Canadian Armoured Brigade which was given a role as the vanguard in the coming invasion of Normandy: the Garry’s and the 1st Hussars, another armoured regiment, were the only Canadian armoured regiments selected to use the top secret “Duplex Drive” swimming Sherman tanks.
The Garry’s were among the first armour to land in Normandy on “D-Day” 06 June 1944. The regiment went on to distinguish itself in the allied advance through France, Belgium, Holland and Germany. The regiment ended the war in the German city of Oldenburg, accepting the surrender of German troops in the area, May 1945 and later moving to Doetinchem in Holland where it remained until returning to Canada in November 1945.
While in England Don met Marion Hartley and they were married 09 October 1944. Don came home and was discharged in January 1946 and went back to the farm. Approximately 5 months later, Marion the war bride, followed and arrived 02 July 1946. They initially lived with Don’s parents. Don and Marion had 3 sons, Eric (Joanne), Dave (Evelyn) and Dale (Audrey). Don farmed a half section 16 – 2 – 6 and remained on that farm until he retired and moved to Morden in the spring of 1974. Marion was an active member of the Ladies Auxiliary, served as President and was given a Lifetime Membership for her dedicated service. Don lived in his home at 236 12th Street and passed away in his residence 28 September 2004 at age 88.
Information supplied by son Eric and The Fort Garry Horse Regimental records.

Private Leslie Wiebe
War Medal 1939-45
Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry
18 April 1926 – 05 April 2013
Leslie Wiebe was the first born of 8 children to Jake and Mary (Funk) Wiebe. He was raised in the Melba School District, north of Horndean and lived in that area until joining the Army at Plum Coulee, 11 August 1944. Leslie did his infantry training at Shilo as a member of the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry and on completion was sent on embarkation leave. His unit was ready to depart for Halifax and a troop ship to Europe when hostilities wound down and the war ended. He was demobilized 27 April 1946.
Leslie was introduced to Helena Friesen by Frank Doel, a cousin to Helena and an army buddy to Leslie. Shortly thereafter they were married and after living in Roland and Osterwick decided to move to Morden, as Leslie was driving truck for the Morden Creamery at that time and later also drove for Morden Transfer. Leslie was a member of Branch 11 Legion during his time in Morden. He worked for Furnace Man in Winnipeg for a time and later went to Red River College and got his High Pressure Gas Welding Certificate. He left his family and Morden approximately 1960 and went pipe lining.
Leslie and Helena had 6 children Kenneth 1948, Carrol 1950-1998, Dennis 1951, Laverne 1953, Garry 1954 and Kelvin 1955-2009.
Leslie moved back to Morden in February 2012 and transferred his Legion Membership back to Branch 11. He was having some health issues prior to his move to Morden and his health continued to decline after his move. He was admitted to BTHC in January 2013 and remained there until his passing.
Leslie Wiebe passed away 05 April 2013 and is buried in the Altona Cemetery, Altona Manitoba.

Corporal Linda Ann (Dyck) Wiebe
Canadian Armed Forces
Primary Air Reserve
Linda, born 29 January 1954, is the daughter of John and Agatha (Peters) Dyck. She was raised in their home on First Street in Morden along with two younger siblings, Ron and Sharon. She went to school in Morden and worked at the Esso Restaurant while going to High School. After High School Linda went to Regina and worked there for a time before coming back to Morden in 1973. Ken, already in the Forces, happened to be home on leave that summer and they connected. On 29 August of 1974 Ken and Linda were married. They went to Bagotville, Quebec a few days after the wedding, Ken’s home base. When married only a week, Ken left on deployment to New Brunswick. This was the beginning of Ken’s departures for the next 22 years, lasting from days to months at a time. They lived in many places throughout Canada. Their son was born in Bagotville and three weeks prior to being transferred to Europe, Linda had a baby girl. New posting, foreign country, a son who is 17 months, a baby of 20 days old and a husband who left first thing in the morning to report for duty. Pretty routine for a military wife.
While Ken was stationed in Cold Lake, Alberta the Forces were looking for Reservists to fill short staffed positions. Linda took the opportunity and in the fall of 1981 enrolled in the Canadian Armed Forces. She did her basic training followed immediately by some Dental Technician training. As there was suddenly a greater need for Administrative Clerks she was transferred, took the Administrative course and completed it in December, 1982. Linda filled the Administrative position until June 1984 when Ken was transferred to Goose Bay, Labrador. Linda was promoted to Corporal just prior to her departure from Cold Lake. Shortly after arriving in Goose Bay she was taken on strength in the Base Administrative Section and served until June 1985. Linda also worked at a variety of civilian jobs as she followed Ken around the country.
On their second time in Edmonton (1991) Linda went to work for Kitchen Kraft and when Ken was transferred to Winnipeg the company offered Linda a position as the Shipping Clerk at their main plant in Winnipeg. She worked there until 2003 when they moved to Morden. During that summer Linda decided to go back to school and took the Red River College Health Care Aide course, graduating with Honours in March 2004. She worked in this field for a number of years as well as with her husband until retirement in 2010.
Linda has been a member of the Morden Legion for more than 25 years and also served on the Executive. Linda and Ken have been married since 1974 and have two children, Trevor and Makenzie as well as two grandchildren.

Member of the Order of Military Merit, Special Service Medal & NATO Clasp, Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal (CPSM), Multinational Force and Observers (Sanai) Medal, 125th Anniversary of the Confederation of Canada Medal, Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal, Canadian Forces Decoration
Ken began his life’s journey 23 July 1948 at Carman, MB. He is the son of Leslie and Helena (Friesen) Wiebe, the eldest of 6 siblings, Carrol 1950-1998, Dennis 1951, Laverne 1953, Garry 1954, Kelvin 1955-2008. After schooling in Morden Ken went to Winnipeg and worked for a short time before enlisting in the RCN on 16 January 1967. He did basic training at HMCS Cornwallis, NS and then trades training at Borden, ON. He was posted too many bases and worked on numerous aircraft and held a variety of positions over the next 29 years. Shearwater, NS, VU-32 and VS-880 Sqns (CP 121 Tracker A/C), Bagotville, QC, (CF 101 Voodoo), Baden, Germany, (CF 104 Starfighter), Cold Lake AB, 418 Sqn (CF-5 Fighter), Goose Bay, NL, NCO i/c Transient Servicing, Edmonton, AB, 408 Sqn (Kiowa and Twin Huey Helicopters), Montreal, QC, 10 Tactical Air Group HQ as Group Chief Warrant Officer, Edmonton, AB as Wing Chief Warrant Officer and Winnipeg, MB, Investigator Directorate of Flight Safety.
Ken and Linda (Dyck) were married 30 August 1974 and a short week later Linda stood on the flight line in Bagotville and watched Ken board an aircraft for the first of many deployments. Their son Trevor was born while stationed in Bagotville and on 23 August 1976 they landed in Germany with an 18 month old son and a 20 day old daughter, Makenzie. When Ken left to report for duty the next morning, foreign country and language, strange city and two little ones was not an impossible challenge to Linda who was somewhat used to being on her own. Over the years Ken had short term deployments to Sardinia, England, Somalia, Haiti and 6 months in Egypt as well as numerous courses and conferences, during which Linda looked after the home front
“My Lindy was a trooper during all the moves and managed to find work in most places we lived. She took some courses and also enlisted in the Air Reserves and served for a few years, she did well. The kids too, in spite of the moves and having to attend numerous schools in different provinces, managed to graduate on time, couldn’t be prouder”, says Ken.
Ken retired from the Forces in May 1996 and went into business with his brother for 7 years and then, in 2003 he and Linda decided to move to Morden. He went into business for himself, Painting and Decorating as well as managing Mudezz Car Wash. In 2010 he decided to run for the Mayor’s office. He won the election and was acclaimed for a second term in 2014. While in office as Mayor, he was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal by the Association of Manitoba Municipalities.
Ken always thought it important that one contribute to one’s community and over the years has been a baseball coach, writer for two military newspapers and editor of one, served on community council, executive positions on a square dance club, curling clubs, church committees, parent volunteer for Cubs and Scouts, Sunday school teacher, volunteer for the Corn and Apple Festival since 2003 and Chair of the Festival in 2008.
Ken and Linda have been Legion Members for over 25 years. Ken has worked on the Memorial Banner Project since 2019 and is also a volunteer at the Thrift Store. They have 2 children and 2 grandchildren.

Corporal Daniel B. Walkof
1914-1915 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal
Canadian Infantry (Manitoba Regiment) 27th Battalion
Canadian Expeditionary Force
Daniel B. Walkof was born to Simon and Mary Ann (Edinger) Walkof at Gretna, Manitoba on 04 May 1893. He had six siblings, John Robert (JR Walkof School in Winkler is named after him) Edwin, Lillian, George, Alfred and Joseph. He was a carpenter prior to enlisting. His parents lived at 1117 Garfield Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Daniel listed his brother Alfred as his next of kin who lived at 355 Harcourt Street, Sturgeon Creek, Manitoba.
Daniel enlisted 26 October 1914 and became a member of the Canadian Infantry (Manitoba Regiment) 27th Battalion, Canadian Expeditionary Force. Upon completion of training, Private Daniel Walkof departed Quebec City for England 17 May 1915 on the S.S. Carpathia. He was in England for approximately 5 months, then embarked for France 17 November 1915. He was hospitalized for severe arm infection 27 May 1916 and returned to his unit 7 June 1916.
The Battle of the Somme lasted from 01 July to 18 November 1916 and claimed 24,009 Canadian casualties. Corporal Daniel Walkof was severally wounded during an engagement with the enemy on or before 29 September 1916.
Records indicate he had been promoted to the rank of Corporal effective 20 November 1916 but had died of wounds received before his records were updated. He was posthumously awarded the 1914-1915 Star, The British War Medal and The Victory Medal. These medals, along with the Memorial Cross were presented to his mother.
Corporal Daniel B. Walkof died of wounds received 29 September 1916. He is buried at the PUCHEVILLERS BRITISH CEMETERY, Somme, France. Grave Reference V.B.11. He is also commemorated on Page 178 of the First World War Book of Remembrance in Ottawa, Ontario.
Information supplied by family and Library and Archives Canada

Trooper Maurice Clark Young
Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp
Canadian Armoured Corps
British Columbia Regiment
Maurice Clark Young was born 09 March 1923 at home in the Rural Municipality of Pembina. He was the youngest of 4 boys, Charles, George, Lorne and Maurice born to Dawson and Charlotte (Rinn) Young. He attended Overdale School, located at NW34-1-8W south of Kaleida in the Rural Municipality of Pembina and later in life became a trustee of that school. Established in 1889 and after providing education to local kids for 75 years Overdale School closed in 1964.
On 27 October 1942 at the age of 19 Maurice enlisted in the Army, The Canadian Armoured Corps (tanks) and did his basic training in Portage la Prairie. In November 1943 he was transferred to Camp Borden, Ontario for his armoured (tank) training. Maurice was granted leave over the Christmas period and went home. While on leave he married Ina McElroy from the Shadeland School District on 31 December 1943, New Year’s Eve, in Darlingford.
In October 1944 Maurice was transferred to London, England and eventually to Continental Europe to join the British Columbia Regiment in their pursuit of the retreating Germans into Belgium and Holland and Germany. From November 1944 until April 1945 the BC Regiment held their position preparing for a planned crossing of the Rhine River into Germany. The regiment crossed the Rhine in April and quickly captured the town of Neunhaus. The last major action of the BC Regiment began on 17 April 1945 when they crossed the Kusten Canal and by VE Day 05 May 1945 they had pushed the enemy back beyond Bad Zwischenahn. In all the Regiment had lost 122 Officers and men killed and 213 wounded along with 105 Sherman, 14 Stuart tanks and 1 Crusader tank since “D” Day 06 June 1944.
Maurice returned to Canada and his roots, the family farm south of Kaleida, in 1946. Over the next number of years he and Ina had four children, Wrenda, Rhonda, Floyd, and Betty. They farmed until 1987 at which time they rented it out and moved to Morden. Maurice was an outdoors person and liked hunting, fishing, travelling with Ina and woodworking. Maurice passed away in August 1992 and is buried in the Darlingford Cemetery.

Warrant Officer Class ll Isador Nicholas Yudell
1939-45 Star, Africa Star, Defence Medal, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal (CVSM) and Clasp, 1939-1945 War Medal
1st Manitoba Mounted Rifles
Royal Canadian Air Force
104 Squadron (Royal Air Force)
Isador Nicholas (Nick) Yudell was born 06 June 1916 in Winnipeg. He was the youngest of three children born to Russian immigrants Alexander Yudluvitz (later Yudell) and Nettie Kluner. Nick had a brother Milton and a sister Mary. As a Jewish boy of 12, Alexander was conscripted by the czar’s army. Both the Yudluvitz and Kluner families emigrated to escape the pogroms, organized attacks on Jews that occurred in Russia. Alexander travelled first to Cuba and then New York. He and Nettie married there in 1903 and they settled in Winnipeg around 1905.
After Nicks mother Nettie died in 1918, his father Alex took Nick to live with Nettie’s sister Sonia and her husband David Rabinovitch in Morden. Nick became the youngest in a family of nine children. Moving between Morden and Winnipeg, Nick pursued photography when he received a camera at the age of 12 in 1928 and this continued to be a serious hobby to him until
he joined the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF). While attending St. John’s College in Winnipeg (1931 – 1933), Nick captured images that offer a sparkling prism of his life. His black and white photographs span the Jazz Age and the Great Depression bridging the 1920’s through the 1930’s, reflecting the life around him in rural Manitoba.
Nick worked for his cousin Milton at Rabinovitch Bros, a men’s clothing and shoe store, in Morden from 1935 until joining the RCAF in 1941. In October of 1938 Nick requested information on enlisting as a pilot in the RAF, he was told to apply in 1940. On 05 August 1940 he applied to the RCAF and was put on the Special Reserve list. While waiting for the RCAF to call Nick joined the 1st Manitoba Mounted Rifles of the Non-Permanent Active Militia of Canada (NPAM) on 01 August 1940 with the understanding that, should the RCAF call, he would be immediately released from the NPAM. He attained the rank of Lance Corporal and received Armoured Car training and was released from the Militia 03 February 1941 when called up by the air force.
Air Craftsman 2nd Class (AC2) Yudell reported to the Brandon Manning Depot 13 February 1941 to begin his training in the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan as a pilot. He received the majority of his training in western Canada and completed the pilot training, receiving his Flying Badge (Wings) and a promotion to Sergeant (Sgt), 13 September 1941. Sgt Yudell was sent to England and commenced flying training with the Royal Air Force 19 October 1941 eventually ending up with 104 Squadron (Sqn) of the Royal Air Force (RAF). He was promoted to Flight Sergeant (FSgt) 01 July 1942.
104 Sqn was a bomber unit, flying Wellingtons, and were operating from RAF Luqa on Malta. On the night of 06 January 1943 a Wellington Bomber #504 took off from the Luqa aerodrome with 7 other aircraft from 104 Sqn. The following is from squadron report, “These aircraft were engaged in the bombing of Docks and Shipping at Tunis. Owing to the bad weather over the target they proceeded to Sousse. Two aircraft of the Squadron reported an explosion at 7,000 feet over Sousse at approximately 2130 hours. Bursts of Heavy A.A. were also seen at the same time. Immediately after three aircraft saw an aircraft on fire on the ground 3-5 miles S.S.W. of Sousse. The aircraft #504 failed to return to the base.” FSgt Yudell was the second pilot in a crew of 6, none survived.
Records of Service indicate FSgt Yudell was promoted to Temporary Warrant Officer Class II (WO II) on 13 September 1942. No other reference to this was made in his records until 24 September 1952 when the R.C.A.F. Casualties Officer referred to him as WO II Yudell. The purpose of the letter was to advise his brother Milton that Warrant Officer Class II Isador Nicholas Yudell “does not have a known grave”. He is listed on the Commonwealth War Graves Malta Memorial, Panel 11, Column 1. He is also commemorated on Page 229 of the Second World War Book of Remembrance in Ottawa and on the War Memorial in Morden. He was honoured by the province of Manitoba which named Lake Yudell, located at 58 degrees 30 minutes 1 second north Latitude and 97 degrees 50 minutes 28 seconds west Longitude, for him in 1970.
Information supplied by family and from Library Archives Canada.